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Technology and the parent-child relationship

Day after day, technological devices consume the time of our little ones

4 min de lectura
Technology and the parent-child relationship – Mothers And Babies

I would like to start this article by reciting a very famous proverb that says "Teach a boy at the beginning of his path and when he is old he will not depart from it"; what a central truth we find in this text, because the education of children begins at home.

Education in childhood is extremely important, because it is at this stage that the child develops all those aspects that will help him build an identity.

Currently, the technological era is consuming us, and today there are many parents who have put aside the education of their children, placing them in the hands of technology. Undoubtedly, gadgets and new trends make us more dependent on it.

From teaching basic things, such as stimulating education, we seem to do everything through downloading an application.

Childhood before technology

Before the technological masses, children could spend hours playing in open spaces, patios, rivers, parks, seas, rooms, etc. Today the little ones in the house don't leave their room.

Before you could hear in the afternoon the screams and voices of many children playing in the streets, their fantasies, their fights, undoubtedly, unique moments for it.

Brilliant minds, free as the wind, running, imagining and flying everywhere.

Today we find a unique silence, and it is that technology and the arrival of the pandemic have trapped them in places where they even lose their imagination.

We must take care of communication

A reflection for each parent, since when do you not fight with your children because of their yelling and disorder at home? For stepping on toys? For scratching walls? Perhaps the answer is long overdue.

Children stop listening to their parents when they are not present in their learning. Before there were no TVs in every room, nowadays what is left over in the rooms of the smallest are mass media and technology.

Technology and the parent-child relationship – Mothers And Babies

Today we do not hear their voices, we do not hear their thoughts. The children are there, inside their rooms, and that is why we think they are safe. But it is not like that, they are really in danger, someone else is educating them for you.

Life is lost from home

We are missing a generation from home, locked in virtual fantasy worlds, alive in their bodies, but dead in their emotions and relationships. The technology itself is not bad, what is wrong is the use we are giving it today.

Technology is one more means of access to information, education and communication, but it is not the only means, the problem is that in many homes it has become the only and indispensable means.

Healthy communication and respectful and affective parenting contribute to the formation of confident and strong children, to make morally correct decisions in accordance with their family values. This cannot be replaced by anything.

Inside their rooms we lose our children with vices, drugs, wrong connections, pornography, immersed in a world of fantasy. Educated children without family identity.

Influences on children

Children from 0 to 8 years old are like a big sponge that absorbs everything that is around them. The little one becomes a great mixture of everything that has been influenced, many parents are unaware of their children who live a few meters from their room.

The question is the following : can I rescue my child at home? the answer is yes.

We still have time to rescue, love and educate our children, it is our assigned responsibility.

What should I do?

  • Get him out of his room, show him everything around him, which was created for his integral development, show him that there are people who love him and yearn for his integral growth.

  • Free him from technology, ask him for a reasonable time for all those devices that had become his sub-real world.

  • Establish times and times to share with the family, go back to the traditional, to the original, buy board games, play with them, talk, listen to them, go for a walk.

  • Listen to how they think, what they say, thank God for having children, no matter if they mess up the house, if they shout, if they play, those spaces build their autonomy and identity.
