Netflix will charge with aluminum cans

2 min de lectura
Netflix will charge with aluminum cans – Movie News – WebMediums

The largest entertainment platform in Latin America wants to join in for the environment and of course support the economy together with its users.

For this reason, in Mexico, hand in hand with Herdez, he has decided that you will be able to pay with aluminum cans, yes with aluminum cans! But... Be careful! This will only work for Mexico City, the state of Mexico, and Jalisco.

Surely in some Walmart in your city you have already started to see machines that recycle cans. Netflix joins this campaign in order to help take care of the environment and at the same time have fun, entertain yourself and make you have a good time. Each can will have a value of one Mexican peso.

Netflix and Herdez team up

You can recycle cans of chili peppers, vegetables, beans and the like. The company that decided to undertake this path together with Netflix was nothing more and nothing less than Herdez. The purpose of the cans is to reforest, so for each can collected it is intended to plant a plant, which will be given for adoption to certain communities.

The coolest thing about this campaign by Herdez and the largest entertainment platform in Latin America is that in addition to being able to exchange your points to pay for Netflix, you could also use them to recharge airtime, change it into cash, pay for electricity, among some other things…

There is no doubt that companies are increasingly committed to saving the environment and without a doubt that is great, this through some actions and strategies that may seem simple but could cause a great impact. It is a pleasure to know that every day one more person joins in to rescue the environment because without a doubt it is something that will benefit us all. Especially to subsequent generations because, as we already know, we are consuming their resources.

Netflix will charge with aluminum cans – Movie News – WebMediums
