Samara Weaving stars in Bloody Wedding: A Horror Game Movie Available in Theaters

1 min de lectura

Wedding Night is a horror film, directed by Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, very soon to be released. The versions of persecution of people in the style of La Purga, have reappeared in Wedding Night (Spain) — Bloody Wedding (Latin America).

Samara Weaving stars in Bloody Wedding: A Horror Game Movie Available in Theaters

Grace is the unfortunate bride, who after marrying an important billionaire heir, is forced to play a horror game. She must hide, while the new family tries to find and kill her.

From this point the film develops. Apparently, the boyfriend warns him that the game is real, and he must hide, or he will die. Relax, we are not anticipating anything that does not show the trailer, but the quality of the actors and the scenes they present us is surprising.

Wedding Night is one of that new generation of horror movies that takes care of the details. Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, are experts in capturing the attention of their audience, so we believe that this film does not open exceptions.

The film opens on October 11 in several international cinemas and will be dubbed into Spanish.
