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California fights to guarantee the right to free abortion in the US

3 min de lectura

California has become one of the US states that is constantly fighting to guarantee the right to free and decriminalized abortion, and in turn is taking the necessary steps to change regional legislation.

California fights to guarantee the right to free abortion in the US
More than 80 women from other states go to Los Angeles monthly for abortions.

Additionally, in California there are clinic facilities near the airports, as well as training doctors from other states on this subject, which is why they have become pioneers in the fight for the legalization of abortion.

In this crusade, he also faces the Supreme Court of Justice of the United States, which has a majority of conservative members who oppose the proposal to change the legal framework, which protects abortion at the national level.

According to the president of the regional senate of California, Toni Atkins, in this state the right of women to decide in their own body has been respected for “a long time”, for which he assured that he will contribute to the fact that it is contemplated in the regional constitution. free abortion. “We will not go backwards, but we will redouble (efforts).”

The Supreme Court vs the Governors

A group of Democratic governors, specifically those of California, New Mexico and Michigan have decided to enshrine the right to free abortion in their regional laws, even if the US Supreme Court of Justice decides to maintain the current mandate.

According to recently leaked information, the judges of the Supreme Court proposed to annul the ruling of the Roe v. Wade, which since 1973 planted a jurisprudence on free abortion in the United States, which caused annoyance in those who support this movement.

Although it is true that most conservatives are against the approval of abortion, there are states like Texas that are already working on modifying the legal framework. So without a doubt this issue is changing the schemes in the US.

Los Angeles as the center of attention

Due to restrictions in other states, Los Angeles has received an approximate of 80 women per month, coming from other places to be able to perform a free and safe abortion.

These figures were released by Sue Dunlap, president of the Planned Parenthood organization, who also added that women who do not know where to go, at the time of making this decision, go to California and are treated in the more than 80 clinics that it runs..

Although it is true that the group that supports free and decriminalized abortion is large, there are also promoters of protection of life or "pro-lifers", who are not only against abortion, but also promote and raise awareness about the use of contraceptive methods, the right that babies have from before birth, among other reasons.
