Europe continues its fight against climate change at the G20 summit
This Friday began the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, having as its main theme the global concern that exists about the climate change. The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has commented that "he needs to make a firm statement "about this issue that affects the community throughout Europe.

The members present at the G20 summit have been divided in the face of global warming, for which it is expected to reach an agreement on it in order to deal with this global problem.
In 2015 an agreement between the nations was approved through the paris climate summit. In it, the countries promised not to generate a greater increase in 2 degrees centigrade in relation to the pre-industrial era.
Despite all this, the United Nations published a report in 2016 where he estimated that the increase in the temperatures would reach more than 3 degrees centigrade by the end of the century.
The United States has been the only country that makes up this summit, which decided to retire in 2016 from the Paris agreement on climate change. In this way, this year all other nations seem to put pressure on this nation to adapt to these terms.
Other issues addressed at the G20 summit
This new G20 summit also dealt with the issue of immigration and refugees. In this way, the president of Russia could be observed, Vladimir Putin, criticize the position of the leader Angela Merkel having let in more than 1 million refugees to Germany.

On the other hand, Putin expressed his admiration for the actions of President Donald Trump for trying to stop the illegal passage of Mexican immigrants to the United States.
In this new meeting given in Osaka, Japan, the countries also dealt with the violation of human rights, having as focus the Russian president Putin, who many international groups declare adverse to different communities such as lGTB +.
Putin has responded to such accusations, stating that does not have any problem with members of the LGTB + community, although branded as "excessive "Some positions and attitudes of these groups:
Now they say that children can play five or six gender roles. Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that. But this should not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people who make up the main population
Another aspect that managed to echo after culminating this G20 summit was the fact that the president Trump will agree to re-let US companies supply technology materials to Huawei. All this was announced of a meeting that the president had with the president of China, Xi Jinping.