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In Canada influencers ignore Covid-19 and party on a plane

Canadian television personalities appear in videos without masks, drinking and smoking on a charter flight, on December 30.

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In Canada influencers ignore Covid-19 and party on a plane – News
Passengers at parties without respecting security regulations against Covid-19

Canadian authorities carry out an investigation of the flight from Montreal to Cancun (Mexico), of the Sunwing company, in which famous influencers organized a party, without taking the required security measures against Covid-19.

Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, admitted his frustration last Wednesday, January 5, over the recordings published by celebrities, despite the fact that they were later deleted when the controversy broke out.

Trudeau expressed during a press conference that travelers, influencers and members of different television reality shows in Quebec, put aircraft personnel in danger with their absolute lightness.

James William Awad, owner of the Sunwing company, the one in charge of transferring the travelers to a six-day occasion in Cancun, rejected the abuse of security regulations and protection against COVID-19.

Awad, on his Twitter account, described what happened as "anarchic" and totally against the existing regulations in the company. This company has canceled the flight back to Canada for those involved, who are still in Cancun.

Other Canadian airlines also did not accept this group of people on their return flights. This group of travelers have a fine of 5,000 Canadian dollars (3,917 US dollars).

The take-off point of the flight, Montreal, is right now one of the centers of the pandemic in Canada, due to the expansion of cases due to the variation of the omicron. The city has forced to establish a curfew and strict limitations on shops, to try to control the increase in cases of this variant.

This Saturday, Canadian specialists declared that there are 37,410 new cases of COVID-19 in 57 countries.

However, specialists warn that the real number of contaminations is much higher due to the fact that the laboratories in charge of carrying out the tests are overwhelmed, and specialists suggest that the test should not be carried out on people who clearly present symptoms.
