More politics than ever Angelina Jolie becomes youtuber
The actress has chosen this channel to alert about environmental, social and labor situations. It does not escape anyone that social networks are turned on by the millions on all devices in the world, and there is a massive migration of audiences to these screens, to the detriment of traditional audiovisual media.

The segments most likely to activate these new forms of communication are the youngest, especially those natives of the digital age, and they are hoping to generate a change in social behavior regarding the environment and struggles with social issues such as discrimination or immigration. Attentive to this phenomenon and seeking to bring her message to these audiences, Angelina Jolie has started this new project: she opened her YouTube channel this August and already has more than 13,000 followers.
After years of dedicated service to UNHCR and the cause of refugees, Angelina Jolie was appointed Special Envoy in April 2012. In her expanded role, Jolie
The actress has uploaded two videos, one is about the speech of the month of March delivered at the annual meeting of the United Nations for Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense. Gender equality, women's rights and the situation of refugees is the themes chosen by Angelina on that occasion.
Last Monday she published another video, with her demonstrations on the role of women in the world and the situation in countries that deny rights and freedoms to the female sex, making this reality visible, a question that artists can do very easily. Although the speech is from the year 2017, his emotional words are still current, since nothing has changed.
Let us remember that Angelina is a fervent activist and is politically committed and was appointed in 2012 Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to act as contact with relevant interlocutors on issues of mass displacement and migration problems people, on a global scale.
Jolie has explained in an interview to E! News that these last years have not been easy in his life, but that he now feels strong, his center of support has been his family.
Dealing with these issues outside her artistic career shows Angelina's sensitivity, which sometimes plays tricks on her.

Days ago she was very dismayed by the departure of her eldest son Maddox Jolie-Pitt to Yonsei University in Seoul, although she has already mounted an operation to monitor him and be close to him at his home in Cambodia, a super mom star and committed to his gender and society.
We update:
Apparently it was a leak and false advertising. We will continue to wait for Angeline Jolie's channel, as the videos were removed for alleged identity theft.