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Party in the Tepuy of the Canaima National Park receives criticism from NGOs

On this site it is only allowed to carry out activities that do not compromise the landscape of the place or the natural spaces

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Party in the Tepuy of the Canaima National Park receives criticism from NGOs
Party in the Tepuy causes outrage to the NGO SOS Orinoco

The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) SOS Orinoco is in charge of documenting and studying the problems present in Guayana, Orinoquia and the Venezuelan Amazon.

Recently, he made a complaint about the party held on the top of the Kusari tepuy of the Canaima National Park, by a group of people.

This park is located in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela and was declared a ' World Natural Heritage Site ' by Unesco in 1994.

Some well-known people in the world of Venezuelan entertainment attended the event, including: Osmel Sousa, the 'Czar of beauty'; Titini Penzini, journalist and Aura Marina Hernández, public relations officer.

Entrepreneurs associated with the administration of Nicolás Maduro were in charge of organizing the event, since they are accredited to promote tourism to this place.

The NGO insists that activities that do not harm landscapes or nature are allowed in this place.

Why are parties not accepted in the Tepuy?

THE NGO indicates that holding celebrations in the World Natural Heritage, Canaima National Park, is defined as an offense against the Pemón culture, since the tepuyes are sacred to them.

He also stressed that these activities are restricted because such recreation invites the agglomeration of a number of people.

The individuals will be in a small area in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is invited, under a strong sound and light disturbance at night, which is prohibited from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., explains the organization.

This private event without public sense was a violation of the rule of law.

It is defined as a lack of respect towards the Venezuelan people, especially at this tragic moment, that the country is experiencing a humanitarian crisis, which is recognized by all international organizations, the NGO detailed in its statement.

What was the celebration?

On Friday, February 4, at the top of the Kusari Tepuy (Cerro Venado), located in front of the Canaima Lagoon, the 50th birthday of the director of Grupo La Marea, Rafael Oliveros, who is also the general director, was celebrated. of Camp Canaima.

Party in the Tepuy of the Canaima National Park receives criticism from NGOs

His guests, who were ordered to wear a long suit and a formal tuxedo-type suit, were taken to the Canaima airport, and boarded a luxurious helicopter in which they traveled to the summit of Kusari Tepuy.

On Saturday, approximately nine helicopters descended and mobilized the guests, during the course of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

An anonymous source indicated that each hour of aircraft flight costs approximately 2 thousand dollars. The helicopters used were rented by the organizer, specifically for this party.

Party in the Tepuy of the Canaima National Park receives criticism from NGOs
Guests boarded helicopters to reach the event venue

The director of Camp Canaima, reached a commercial agreement with the airline Conviasa through its ConViaje service, to show that it offers all-inclusive packages and encourage tourism in the town.

Feedback from attendees

Many of the guests at the celebration showed everything that was happening on social networks. Just as they showed how the area was cleaned, to place the tents where they would sleep, it was also possible to see how they violated the Tepuy protection laws.

In the organization of the party, they included a temporary camp, in which they had pajamas with the name of each of the guests, as Osmel Sousa showed on his Instagram profile.

Party in the Tepuy of the Canaima National Park receives criticism from NGOs
Osmel Sousa showed the temporary camp on social networks

The well-known influencer from the capital of Venezuela, Titini Penzini, published a video on her social networks in which she showed all the details, while they were flying in the helicopter.

He called this event #Kusari2022. He also showed some moments at Camp Canaima, the luxurious hotel set up by the organizers for the celebration.

Angela Oraa, a celebrity journalist, described the event as a glamorous camp on her Instagram account. He added that they provided sparkling champagne throughout the celebration.

At dinner they served fondue accompanied by goulash soup, but due to the cold, the melted cheese was caked. However, they later enjoyed a hot soup, the journalist assured.

Part of the NGO statement

A National Park is a superlative, exceptional natural space that belongs to all Venezuelans, which due to its immense value, not only ecological, but also symbolic, must be treated as a sacred temple of nature, and, therefore, with veneration and respect.. The tepuyes are sacred and highly respected by the Pemón people, ancestral inhabitants of the Gran Sabana and Canaima.
A Natural World Heritage Site (recognized by UNESCO) is a creation of Nature that is considered one of the most extraordinary and valuable on the entire Planet, and therefore the country that owns it must guarantee all of Humanity that this condition of grandeur will remain unchanged forever.
Canaima National Park, a World Natural Heritage Site, is governed by the Partial Regulation of the Organic Law for Land Management on Administration and Management of National Parks and Natural Monuments, Decree No. 276, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,016 extraordinary dated 06/09/89.
Holding parties, on the top of a tepuy, within a National Park that is the only Natural World Heritage Site that has been registered for Venezuela, violates, in addition to the philosophy and concept of the figures that protect it, the following articles of the Regulation 276:
« Article 19 of the “Prohibited Activities” within the national parks: Because they are totally incompatible with the purposes of their creation, they are considered, among others: crowds of people and any activity in densities of more than one person for every thirty ( 30) square meters, as well as the landing of civil aircraft in areas not authorized for it.
