Protest by transporters in Ecuador due to the 123% increase in fuels

2 min de lectura

The agreement with the IMF prompted the government of Ecuador to take new measures and economic reforms. Among the list of financial options are changes in fuel prices, which increased 123% to the current value.

Protest by transporters in Ecuador due to the 123% increase in fuels
Photo of the protests

Decree 883 of Ecuador removes fuel subsidies

This march was joined by several federations and associations that reject the measures taken by the government, especially eliminating fuel subsidies and allowing prices to be released.

Of course, the transport sector includes taxi drivers, public and private services, the tourism sector, the heavy cargo sector and other associations. The streets of the main cities of Ecuador woke up completely blocked and protests with fires and excesses were registered.

The cities affected by the strike were Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. Suffering from blockades in the streets, to fires to stop the flow of vehicles. For its part, the government suspended school activities in these cities to preserve the safety of children.

Ecuadorians demand that Executive Decree 883 be withdrawn. This decree eliminates fuel subsidies. Immediately the price of gasoline skyrocketed, reaching a 123% rise, which caused the demonstrations.

It is believed that new protests will begin in Ecuador in the next few days. The decree also includes a reduction in vacations for public employees, 20% less remuneration for casuals and that at least one day of workers' wages will be contributed to the government.

Ecuador owes $4 billion to the IMF for a new loan and the measures they will use to pay it is still unclear. Of course, this decree, according to the government, is the clearest intention of payment.

However, Ecuadorians have another perspective on their head and protests are beginning to grow in different parts of the country.

Protest by transporters in Ecuador due to the 123% increase in fuels
