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Texas man killed his 4-year-old son by making him hungry and thirsty
The murderer recorded him while forcing him to drink disinfectant and also denied him vital liquid and food

A 28-year-old subject in Texas, United States, murdered his four-year-old son, making him hungry and thirsty. The murderer was identified as Brandom Lee Cervera, who is already behind bars, awaiting trial.
The news came to light after a nurse at the children's hospital in San Antonio, USA, contacted the police to investigate the admission of a child with few vital signs and in a suspicious health condition.
The British newspaper, Daily Mail, reported that according to what was established in the admission book of the medical center, the minor had bruises on all parts of the body and was in a severe state of malnutrition, without energy, with a bad face and pale.
Immediately, the medical staff of the hospital began with all the necessary work to resuscitate the infant, but the admissions were in vain, since a few minutes after his admission, he died.
The subject recorded the mistreatment he did to the little boy
Although the relevant investigations began six months ago (when the events occurred), it was not until now that the abuse suffered by the child by his father, who was responsible for starving him to death, was discovered.
Police officers found some videos with images full of cruelty and horror towards the innocent child. In them, the little boy is seen begging for water and food, while Lee Cervera, accompanied by another man, denies him any help.
In the audiovisual material it is also clearly seen how the boy's father forces him to drink disinfectant and eat crumbs from the floor, while the infant complained because the product burned his throat.
According to a note made by People en Español magazine, the boy cried, trembled desperately and cried out for bread and water. This was announced by the security forces.
The investigations also revealed that the abusers kept the spaces of the house where there was food and water locked with a padlock. All with the aim that the little one could not reach them.
Brandon Lee Cervera is currently in custody, and so far it is unknown if the individual who accompanied him to commit his misdeeds, recording all the attacks on the little boy, will also face charges in the case.