Trump announces that it will allow the sale of US components to Huawei

Cristian García
2 min read

After a meeting between Donald Trump and the president of China Xi Jinping in the G20 summit from Osaka, Japan, the president of the United States decided eliminate the veto for US companies to sell their technology components to Huawei.

Trump announces that it will allow the sale of US components to Huawei

All this news was released after a press conference given by Donald Trump after finishing the summit:

We have mentioned Huawei. I said that we will have to keep that topic until the end.

The president indicated referring to the conversation held with the president of China, Xi Jinping. He also continued:

... one of the things that I will allow, nevertheless, is that we sell and send to Huawei a great amount of products that they use in many of the things that they manufacture. And I said that perfect, that we will continue selling them those products.

Previously, Trump applied the Law of Emergency Economic Powers, declaring Huawei a high-risk brand for the nation. In this way, the president the US president had banned the sale of American components to said Chinese company. In addition, the sale of all types of Huawei products throughout the United States was vetoed.

All this decision made the giant technological company of google decided to withdraw its Android software from all types of mobile phones developed by Huawei.

These measures generated tension between both nations, causing the president of China, Xi Jinping, to decide veto several US companies in the country, so these companies could not acquire any product from this nation.

These statements by President Trump seem to indicate that The United States and China are in conversation to abolish all this type of prohibitions that exist between both nations.

For now, there has not been an official statement about when all these negotiations between both countries will resume, although reconciliation between the two world powers seems to be true.
