Montessori Method: The Education of Successful People

5 min read

The Montessori method is an educational model that was created by Dr. Maria Montessori Italian, who was the first woman from her country to reach a medical degree. Today, the Montessori model has become a favorite in elite schools and they are often led by academic specialists.

If we look at the richest man on the planet who is Jeff Bezos, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales or even Beyonce an artist who marked the world of music, we can realize that they all have something in common.

But, what can they have in common?... Believe it or not, from a very young age, they all studied under the same system: the Montessori method.

Montessori Method: The Education of Successful People – Parent Stuff
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

What is the Montessori method?

It is a teaching method which is based on observing the ability of children to learn autonomously and the importance of affection and affection in learning.

Many specialists describe the Montessori method as learning that allows children to absorb knowledge like a “sponge”. To do this, they use all the elements and materials in their environment, with which they can interact and arouse their interest.

The Montessori method in preschool and elementary school focuses on caring and the understanding that children, regardless of their age, are individuals with autonomy.

This is the fundamental basis of this learning model and for which it has had such good results.

For this reason, today we can find different strategies and methods of adaptation to the educational environment, as well as different examples of the Montessori method of literacy to teach reading and writing, to improve cognitive abilities and even social relationships.

Main characteristics of the Montessori method

If you want to give you a quick idea of what the Montessori method is and how it works, here is a list of its most outstanding characteristics:

  • It promotes autonomy and independence, both physical and mental.

  • Freedom of movement.

  • Respect for the learning pace of each child.

  • Self-correction.

  • Freedom of choice (they can choose the activities they want and their duration).

  • Learning through experience.

  • Preparation of the adult and the environment.

Importance of the prepared environment

The Montessori teaching method could not be carried out without the proper environment for teaching. Self- directed learning must have a pleasant social environment and adequate materials to support the child.

Montessori Method: The Education of Successful People – Parent Stuff
"If you use / love my work, please follow me on Instagram <3 @ Paige.marie.cody" by Paige Cody on Unsplash

The teacher or guide is in charge of providing the necessary resources and accompanying the students in the development of skills and knowledge. It is important for the teacher to build a relationship based on trust and respect, something that fosters self-confidence.

In order to make learning enjoyable, the environment where the Montessori method is developed must be adapted to the size of the child, with tables and furniture that allow the student to access the materials, without having to request it from an adult.

In addition, all the decoration of the room or room must be adapted and designed in order to encourage students to learn and socialize. In this way, emotional, intellectual and communication characteristics are strengthened.

This method has become the preferred method for teaching at home, so it is essential to prepare the space or room in the correct way. There are different books on the Montessori method that can help you prepare the environment for learning.

From what age is it recommended to implement the Montessori model

In her studies, Maria Montessori realized that children have different stages in which they are sensitive to the stimuli that are around them, and by implementing it from an early age, it allows the learning process to be more friendly and reinforces their self-esteem.

Montessori Method: The Education of Successful People – Parent Stuff
Montessori method

This is the reason why children in whom the Montessori method, visual arts and literacy are used obtain great benefits from the initial stage. If you ask yourself , what age is the ideal for the Montessori? The answer is simple, as quickly as possible.

From the moment a person is born to 6 years old, knowledge and skills can be acquired quickly, so it should be used to educate children.

Otherwise, major problems can arise that may affect the way in which learning is studied and perceived in the future.

Montessori Method: Most Outstanding Reviews

The success of the Montessori educational method has not only brought it fame, but also a lot of criticism from people who do not share this ideology. Some critics believe that keeping the classroom too free may call into question teaching priorities.

In addition, not assigning activities to do at home has been highly questioned, since they do not believe that students should have the freedom to choose what they study from an early age.

The Montessori method also does not use formal examinations, which has caused people to think that the lack of structure leaves the child at a disadvantage when it comes to moving to the traditional educational model.

Montessori Method: The Education of Successful People – Parent Stuff
Montessori method

Despite these criticisms, a 2017 study published by Frontiers in Psychology, a renowned journal in the United States, revealed that researchers evaluated the start of preschool in 70 Montessori students and 70 from one. traditional school.

All of them began their studies with similar averages.

Over the next three years, the 70 Montessori students did better on math and literacy tests. By the end of preschool, Montessori students performed better in various areas.

However, there have also been other studies such as the one published by Nature, which emphasized that there is no evidence that the results in Montessori students are more successful.

This research concluded that "there are no individual elements of the Montessori method that could explain any of the positive effects that can be found."
