What is early childhood education?

3 min de lectura

Child education is a cycle of the education system that is taught parallel to the period of life in which we are beginning to learn the basics about social behaviors, including values ​​and principles.

In addition, we develop our senses efficiently, and we can begin to discover skills that trace the path of what we can become as adults.

Depending on the country, this cycle can be a system belonging to the general education structure or simply a kindergarten or a care center, the age that comprises this stage is from 0 to 6 years.

What is early childhood education? – Parent Stuff – WebMediums

How does childhood education benefit children?

It is the stage in which the child forges his physical and psychological virtues, as well as the development of all the senses and basic attitudes. If we specify, the creativity of the children, perceives a considerable improvement.

The authenticity and autonomy of each small being, is very important, should be one of the main points to focus for each child, since the fundamental right of freedom must be respected from the first day of being born, that implies not limiting their knowledge or forcing them to adopt an alien personality.

Among other things, children are taught to learn things related to everything, in a very basic way, so that they can develop better and better in the society in which they find themselves.

Who are responsible for the approach of children in early childhood education?

You will think, the teachers, and yes, they are responsible, but not only them but also every person that is present in the child's daily environment. Parents, siblings, teachers, are commonly the people who are responsible for the approach of children in early childhood education.

It is known that early childhood education in many countries, especially in Latin America, is mandatory from the second stage, that is, from 3 years of age.

Before those 3 years, the first stage (from 0 to 3 years) corresponds more than anything to the family, an objective and nurtured education must be provided to each child, otherwise they would have difficulties when it comes to working in the most environments.

What is early childhood education? – Parent Stuff – WebMediums

Children's education comprises two modalities: one is school-based and the other is out-of-school; in the first, the most influential people for children are specialists, such as teachers, the pedagogy in which they specialized, makes children develop in a better way.

Parents or any person close to them, whether a sibling or a nanny, are the protagonists in out-of-school child education and may not have the same capacity to forge the child as a teacher. However, the most important thing is the point highlighted above:

Do not judge any child by how he acts from an early age, let your personality develop naturally and never limit your knowledge to what suits you; It is very common to see parents educating their children, for different reasons, such as ignorance or resentment.
