Chris Evans promotes milk and goes viral
There are things that we would expect to see in life because they are simply not even imaginable and that happened with the famous and handsome actor Chris Evans. Chris Evans gave life to Captain America for many years so outside that role it would be inconceivable even more if we see him participating in a milk commercial.

Chris Evans promotes Lala milk
Chris Evans participated in several superhero films making him an actor of international stature. He basically gave life to one of the most important characters in the marvel cinematic universe. I play Captain America stealing the hearts of many women.
For his physique and his unparalleled charisma, Chris Evans became one of the most desired men in the world, even being named by many women as the man with the best body in the world. With well shaped buttocks and a steel abdomen Chris Evans managed to win thousands of fans and become the fantasy of many.
However, we would usually expect to see him in superhero movies or things like that but as they say there are things that if you don't see them with your own eyes you wouldn't believe them and this time that happened with the handsome actor Chris Evans, who became an ambassador of a Mexican milk brand that goes by the name Lala.

After that event Chris Evans unleashed a series of memes between Facebook and Twitter, all of course with double meaning. And since he was not going to do it, Chris was already the dream of many girls and with this commercial he ended up being the temptation of many.

Of course, the memes were funny since most of them are in a double sense. Chris Evans sure did not have the wit of Mexican women who most likely do not stop with the memes about this handsome actor.