Iron Man and Spider-Man appear together again

Suria Ibañez
2 min read
Iron Man and Spider-Man appear together again – Showbiz – WebMediums

Tony Stark was, is and will continue to be Peter Parker's superhero, however it was sad to see how this pair had to part ways after Tony saved the whole world. When this happened, everyone in the movie theaters cried that sad news, but life went on, and we had to go on.

After that we were saddened again with the news that Marvel and Sony would break off relationships which would endanger the character of Spider-Man. However, after a photograph in which we see Tom Holland (Spider-Man) and Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man) our Heart has returned to beat.

Tom Holland gave life to Spider-Man doing it wonderfully because he enchanted the public and won the affection of everyone for it when he published the image next to Robert Instagram exploded. In the cute image, Robert appears holding a mini Iron Man and Tom Holland is holding a mini spider-man. However, what caused a sensation was the written phrase We did it Mr. Stark !

This image gives two things to think about, the first is that Tom Holland really lives up to his nickname of spoiler who for something did not lend him the complete scripts and something he wants to tell us with the photograph or the second that he simply does not know what is happening, or He is not interested and loves spending time with his mentor.

So far there is no more than waiting to find out if Spider-Man will be part of the Marvel Universe or not, since the rupture that both companies had has become tense. Marvel sold the character in a moment of crisis, he was bankrupt and thus managed to save himself. The good news was that Sony refused to buy all of its characters and was left with only the spider-man who was the most interesting at that time.

Iron Man and Spider-Man appear together again – Showbiz – WebMediums
