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Facebook changes its name and evolves into a metaverse

From social network to metaverse, this time Facebook grows in quality and seeks another level of connection

Enrique R
5 min de lectura

We have spoken before from social networks and virtual reality, interconnection at a level that not only allows you to connect with someone far away, it also allows you to place yourself in a room, with your own designed avatar and watch yourself sitting with friends or family, not without before designing the space or planning different games for fun.

Something similar is what now Facebook wants to massify through its evolution to a metaverse, that is why now Facebook is called Meta.

What does it mean to interact in a metaverse?

For years the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, gave clues about the possible evolution of the company to other types of spaces and other technology, more advanced and above all, with greater interaction between the user and the growth and characteristics of the network, that would grow driven by the actions and decisions of these users, has now made it much clearer.

"The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection," the company announced through its @meta Twitter account, explaining that it will be a collective project created by people from all over the world, open to all.

Limitations of the new Facebook metaverse

The company's announcements are aiming high, they have projected a rate of one billion users on their new system that is not quite ready yet, however, there are some known limitations that could make it difficult to achieve that goal.

Access to high-end equipment: The most purchased models in countries or regions of the world are related to their social and economic reality, thus, it is not strange that in Europe, Japan, the US or China, certain equipment is bought with a value over thousand euros in a massive way, while other regions of the world, such as South America or areas of Asia, Central America, do not massively acquire the same equipment.

This implies that the technology is probably not available worldwide to have 1 billion active users for the new metaverse.

Connection Speed : Currently, people in a country with limited data speed can enter Facebook and with registrations and cancellations, interact with their friends on the social network.

In the event that a connection through Virtual Reality in the metaverse requires total stability and good data transmission, these users would not be able to enjoy this technology or would do so in a very limited way, which would in practice imply losing users.

Facebook changes its name and evolves into a metaverse – Social Media

China and its 5G technology to the rescue

However, this new metaverse of what until now we knew as Facebook, may have a valuable ally: The New China Silk Road.

A gigantic investment of resources by the Asian giant in more than 50 countries, which will allow its citizens to access 5G navigation, with which one of the most relevant obstacles, that of data transmission speed, would be covered for a good part of the world.

Of course, China's advance will not take a few years but perhaps thinking about it, Zuckerberg projected growth to 1 billion users in a decade. There is no stitch without a thimble, from the very name: Meta is a nod to the Metaverse project.

A space to connect and interact with virtual reality

For many, this seems more like an action aimed at diverting attention to FacebookGate or recent complaints, including some from former employees, about the company's negligence in terms of the damage that the use of its platform created in the world, however, Zuckerberg has been clear now, and before that Facebook is pursuing another level of connection.

Connoisseurs of the topic of social networks should remember Facebook's experiments with virtual reality glasses. There is no doubt that Zuckerberg's company has long been investing a lot of money, resources and looking far beyond the traditional connection on social networks.

In reality, there have been many experiments, from that famous image of Zuckerberg walking among hundreds of people connected with virtual reality glasses, to a recent experiment that was even more disturbing, giving rise to theories of all kinds.

Facebook changes its name and evolves into a metaverse – Social Media

Virtual reality glasses that reflect the user's eyes

The latest advance in these experiments allowed us to learn about new glasses that work under the Passthrough VR system.

A technology that breaks with those glasses that isolated the user from the outside, closed glasses that isolated the user, both with projected virtual reality and with the material of the glasses.

Now we have seen new glasses that, with this system and thanks to a complex system of internal sensors, project the user's eyes onto an external screen.

Although the eyes are not exactly exact and end up being somewhat dark. If someone likes to weave conspiracy stories, this is the perfect material to make up something entertaining.

It should be clarified that the glasses are actually prototypes but, seeing the change of name and announcements about the new Facebook metaverse, it is clear that the company is aiming there and with so much penetration, there is no doubt that it is quite possible that in the projected time to have a billion users... or more.
