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Mother pays her son $1,800 after six years without using social media
Although it was difficult at times, the young man managed to meet his challenge.

When Sivert Klefsaas was 12 years old, he was chatting with his mother in the kitchen and she challenged him not to use social media until he was 18, that is, within six years.
On February 19, the teenager fulfilled his challenge and received $1,800, just as his mother had promised.
The American Klefsaas lives in the state of Minnesota, together with his mother. In an interview, the young man assured that the time spent on social networks was used to dedicate himself to his studies and thus obtain good grades.
At the time of discussing the challenge, he had only downloaded Snapchat, which he deleted upon accepting the challenge. Despite not having the apps downloaded, his friends always kept him up to date with trends.
Lorna Goldstrand Klefsaas, the teenager's mother, got the idea for the challenge from a story she heard on the radio, in which a mother had done the challenge with her daughter and called it the '16 for '16 challenge. In this case, the mother gave her daughter $1,600 for staying away from social media.
Klefsaas made a small change and decided to add two more years and an additional $200 to it, calling it the '18 for '18 challenge.
The mother assured that she is not against social networks, since they are the new form of communication. However, she made this decision because she wanted to give her son another perspective so that when he comes of age, he will use the networks in a more responsible and healthy way.
Despite the fact that many people see it as impossible to stop using social networks for so long, the young man who is quite competitive, according to his mother, saw it as something simple and fair.