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Telegram channels to watch series and movies

Irene de Espinoza
4 min read
Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums

Telegram has been a communicative application in which many people from different parts of the world come together and create groups to discuss ideas, opinions and recommend each other to other pages, applications and even tools that can be useful in their day to day.

That is why Telegram has become that digital point, where for a mention they can catalog you in a group, they can add you and establish a group conversation with more than 100 people, something that previously could only be done physically in a club.

Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums
Telegram the best option for your favorite series and movies.

Technology advances with leaps and that is why I will show you the best channels to watch series.

The best Telegram channels to watch series and movies

the series house

This is a popular channel among Spanish-speaking people, so the number of people in this group easily exceeds 7,000 users.

There you will find the specific links of the series that may interest you the most, with their synopsis and even seasons. As if it were a cinema, you just have to observe which link will take you to enjoy them.

Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums

In short, it is a channel where you can also add other people and invite them so that they can gain knowledge of this channel.

Many of them talk to each other and you can even see it without specifically leaving the application, a channel that is more than informative, entertaining for all ages.

Press play

It is a channel completely full of information about some genres. It will show you shortcuts in which you can choose what type of series you are looking for, it will form a small story for you so that you have an idea of the series and that, significantly, it is highly desired by users.

It is so much so that we are talking that this channel exceeds at least 600,000 users, a complete outrage.

As time goes by, they also add updates. The updates grow from the popularity of that series and that is usually doing more advertising on that channel.

It is without a doubt the most important channel there is, only with the only variation is that you will only go to watch a series and not to interact with another person who watches it.

Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums
To watch the best series without distraction.

The updates are constant, all depending on the relevant publicity that there is. But, they are always updates of different genres, even giving the user the opportunity to choose what type of genre he wants to scrutinize.

The information does not reveal much of the film, so it maintains the viewer's expectation.

Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums
Unanimous choice of series.

It has a messaging where you can directly request the series you would like to see. Many times people agree to choose one, as if it were the best of the moment and consequently it is uploaded so that everyone can take advantage of this channel.

Movies and series Disney - Netflix

This channel was established a few years ago, since Disney launched its own platform when it noticed that Netflix began to encompass a large part of the Internet community at the time.

This channel reveals the complete profile of movies that are released on these famous platforms, they mention how good and how bad it is, what type of synopsis the series or movie has.

The information attracts attention, since not only are critics shown as great cinephiles, without a doubt they also give you tips on the delivery of said audiovisual that they transmit on said platforms.

Telegram channels to watch series and movies – Social Media – WebMediums
Movies and series from both platforms.

It should be noted that although they are large companies and that both may not collaborate with each other, the channel is completely in disagreement and you can get both protagonists here.

That is why this channel is one of the most applauded, because it not only tells you about it, but also shows you the link where you can see it, the full synopsis, the cover of the movie or series and if not for less, a great number of updates. In short, something more than sensational.
