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Be careful when storing your passwords in the browser! They could be in danger

Andy Vilchez
3 min de lectura
Be careful when storing your passwords in the browser! They could be in danger
New malware can threaten the passwords you save in your browser.

When you log into a website, the browser will usually ask if you want to save the password. This is a vault feature that "securely" stores your passwords for easy login.

All current browsers have this feature, and it is a great advantage, especially for forgetful people. However, doing this could put your saved passwords in serious jeopardy.

Recently a new malware has appeared which is designed to steal passwords from browsers. So far it has been confirmed that users of Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox have been affected.

The malware in question is called "RedLine Stealer" and it is not new, however, in recent months it has had a great expansion that has led to it becoming a security problem. The virus is sold on the Dark Web and has even been seen in some specific Telegram streets.

The virus is capable of stealing all the information that is stored in this "safe vault" that browsers have. This includes email, users, passwords, financial information such as credit cards, and even browser cookies.

Quite dangerous software

Be careful when storing your passwords in the browser! They could be in danger
RedLine Stealer can steal a large amount of information from your browser.

This malware has been spreading on the network through malicious emails and infected files, mainly pirated software. Some digital security experts have said that this virus is capable of attacking even with VPN, which makes it very dangerous.

Some even claim that this malware also has the ability to access your cryptocurrency portfolio.

The operation of this virus is simple, once the device has been infected by the virus, it searches the browser's SQLite database and removes all the information from the "login data" file. This is the one in charge of storing all the login information.

Today a lot of data is stored on our devices and many people do not take their online security seriously. This makes cybercriminals take advantage of it.

All these characteristics of browsers make life easier for us, however, this type of vulnerability can be extremely dangerous.

How to avoid getting infected by this virus?

Be careful when storing your passwords in the browser! They could be in danger
Protect yourself with these safety tips.

It is not easy to avoid infection, especially when it is so widespread. However, by following some simple tips you will be able to avoid being a victim of this.

  • Avoid downloading pirated software from the internet, these are the favorite of cybercriminals to discreetly insert their malware.

  • Have an antivirus and an anti-malware active on your computer.

  • Do not open suspicious emails, much less download attachments or click on their links.

  • Store your passwords in an external application like Bitwarden or LastPass. This way you will be out of the reach of this malware.
