Facebook has a new technology director

For some years, Facebook has been shown to be willing to compete with the greatest in terms of services and functions. Unfortunately, not everything you have Facebook becomes gold and is that, your hardware division has not been successful that the company expected.
Until a few days ago, the director of this department was Mike Schroepferan. This person was in front of this department for quite some time. However, the results he has obtained has left much to be desired. That is why, the company has decided to replace it by Andrew Bosworth.
The resignation of Schroepferan
The truth is schroepferan has played its work, but has recently manifested its intention to get away from their post. The reasons are not known exactly, however, this resignation has been given after a report that published the Wall Street Journal.
In that report, he talks about the company ignore or simply does not give you the attention that the reports of its users deserve. For anyone is a secret that there are many cases in which different criticisms have been presented to the company just by this topic. But not only that, but has also been criticized the fact that Mexican cartels use this social network to recruit members in their organization.
However, the Instagram topic was also addressed and the way in which can affect the mental health of adolescents. So, in this sense, we can mention this could be the real reason that Schroepferan decided to resign.
Schroepferan would not leave the company immediately, but will have a “partial post” Up to 2022 when it is definitely replaced by Andrew “Boz” Bosworth.
Who is the new person in front of the Facebook Technology Division?

Andrew Bosworth is the vice president of virtual reality and increased of Facebook. He is a graduated from Harvard in 2004 and worked as a developer in Microsoft for almost 2 years.
Since 2006 he has been working for Facebook as a developer, in which he has participated in many systems against abuse on the platform. He is a very valuable professional within the company and a key piece in the future of the company.
During his journey through the company, he has occupied a great variety of different positions and will now become the new director of technology of the company.
What Facebook is looking for with this appointment
Facebook is a company that does not do things because yes, so, behind this appointment there is something. The idea could be that Andrew Bosworth use your knowledge and one to software development. Around 10 thousand employees of the company are working on the Reality Lab project in the Virtual Reality Department.
Hardware is not the strong point of the company, however, with this movement, the company expects to change that. So, in the coming years we can see greater Facebook competition in the hardware sector.