Google number 23 birthday is celebrated with a fun doodle

3 min de lectura

There is a lot to celebrate and google, it will not skimp about the celebration. At dawn on September 27, Google starts its own birthday surprise to its Internet users with a new doodle which was animated and quite special, on the occasion of their birthday.

Despite this popular web search engine, it was founded on September 4, 1998, it was only on September 27 when its search engine was released for everyone, so its creators have considered it this date as the Starting point for your page, which is why the successful American company, celebrates today your number 23 anniversary.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page was Google co-founders, and who also over the years, have returned to this company in one of the most widely used search engines, reason why which since 2015, the Indian computer name called Sundar Pichai, since 2015 has been the indicated to contribute to the company of American origin to break records and dethrone other search engines as Yahoo, Microsoft, Bing, who are their direct competence.

Google number 23 birthday is celebrated with a fun doodle – Technology

Currently, Google is not only responsible for being the most reliable web search engine for Internet users, but also the same, has begun on an arduous task of developing its own technology. Said technology goes from mobile devices, up to some operating systems and applications, which work excellently depending on the task to be developed. Known as “the world's largest search engine” Not only pretend to cover much of the technological market, but also, aspires to stay Inside the podium of technology.

The animated doodle who exposed today, besides being special for its users, has surprise elements, as is that Google's lyrics, which seem to be part of a birthday cake. Likewise at the center appears a cake, which is a face and a candle which represents the letter L together with number 23, all this by all overwhelming.

Celebration in Google to everything I can give

If we go to the Google store within Spain, we can see that it will receive us with a message, which will give us a code: Googlebday. This code can use it to pay for a good part, some of the devices that are typical of the company, since said discount code, will give us 20% during the purchase process. However, take into account that this is not available for all products, nor Nest cameras. However, you can try some of the products you want and see that another surprise have prepared us.

In addition, Google has hidden some discount codes which are within the Gadgets selection. A clear example of them can be Chromecast, the most conventional models and the Google Pixel 4a, in which we can apply a second code that will reduce the price of the product up to 23%, The Code in question is: bdayaysurprise23.

If what worries you is the price of shipping, unleash, since you will not have to pay shipping costs of any kind. However, because Google, it usually makes your shipments from Gadgets from some warehouses that are located outside of Spain, the date of arrival of them could take a bit.
