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Say goodbye to the physical SIM with iSIM technology

Guzmán Leal
4 min de lectura
Say goodbye to the physical SIM with iSIM technology – Technology
The SIM card as we know it could become obsolete.

It seems that the evolution of the SIM card is about to reach its beginnings, where it was integrated when purchasing a phone. However, it is not even a point of comparison, since in earlier times telephony was analog.

Today almost all devices work wirelessly, through networks ranging from 3G to the latest 5G. Even the wonders of 6G are beginning to be talked about.

In essence, everything is possible thanks to the evolution of mobile devices. But, the latter would not work without an implemented SIM card, which is purchased under a specific phone service.

Now the technology that could be the future for mobile telephony is presented: the iSIM.

Are SIM cards about to disappear?

For now, nothing is written. However, if prototypes and tests begin to be carried out under a new technology known as iSIM. It is thanks to her that the rumors are focused on the fact that it will be the substitute for the SIM card.

It's no surprise, as every day mobile device manufacturers seek to improve in aspects such as performance and capacity. The latter are two aspects that would be enhanced with the appearance of iSIM technology.

Say goodbye to the physical SIM with iSIM technology – Technology
The iSIM would be integrated into the mobile processor.

We have already been seeing part of this process with the arrival of eSIMs, but they have not finished taking the final step to the transition.

And it is that, despite the fact that a large company like Apple has decided to bet on this technology, the rest of the technology companies do not seem convinced.

This is where iSIM technology comes in from Qualcomm, Vodafone and Samsung Thales

The technology that does seem to take the final step in the transition from the virtuality of the SIM card is, specifically, the iSIM. Indeed, it has the support of leading technology companies such as Qualcomm and Thales, as well as Vodafone.

Specifically, hand in hand with Samsung, these companies were able to test the effectiveness of iSIM in the operation of mobile devices. They did it specifically in a Galaxy Z Flip 3, which had a chip of this class integrated into its processor.

And that is precisely what the iSIM is, a mobile phone identification card that would be already integrated into the Smartphone's processor. It is the main reason why there is talk of the upcoming demise of physical chips.

Under a microchip installed in the processor, all the functions of a SIM card would be integrated, as well as its security protocols.

Say goodbye to the physical SIM with iSIM technology – Technology
Sketch of what the new technology would be.

In this way, the phone's connection capacity would become purely virtual, managed from the same device. And, in the same way, counting on all the networks that exist and to have.

What is the importance of iSIM?

This new technology goes beyond the fact that manufacturers get rid of an expendable space within the design of mobile phones. And it is that, although it represents the possibility of using the cleared area for other functions, there are other advantages.

One of the most important is, indirectly, that of having a much more secure device by preventing line theft. The latter is better known as SIM swapping, with which they could impersonate you.

In addition to this, for manufacturers it could represent a possibility for their models to be much more compact, hermetic and resistant.

In this way, it would improve in terms of impermeability, also largely avoiding the passage or accumulation of dust at its different entrances.

Say goodbye to the physical SIM with iSIM technology – Technology
SIM slots would be eliminated.

However, it will still depend on the willingness of large companies, both technology and mobile, to apply this technology. But, it does not stop implying that it is the future of SIM cards, and that it is much closer than ever.
