The new Windows 11 is a bit disastrous and its release date is too close.

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Windows 11 has effectively seen the last form, and we can download the new ISO for clean establishments.

There are about fourteen days for the arrival of the authority of Windows 11, one that until now is reserved for next October 5, 2021, and it is the reason for the that Microsoft has delivered the main version of the frame to the release program of the insider program, that is, the form Revision prior to download or "see adaptation"

The new Windows 11 is a bit disastrous and its release date is too close.

This implies that the improvement of Windows is in its last section, and it is every time the update is initially dispatched from a channel outside the beta and the progress. Unlike the last two, the review channel is the only one that maintains the Enterprise program, and is fundamentally an approach to get the last form of Windows 11 Before it is delivered to everyone.

New images for clean installations

The organization has also delivered images ISO of this new form of Windows 11 for people who need to make a clean introduction. This is the Build 22000.194 that was delivered on September 16 on the Beta Canal for clients, and on the Canal see for business PCs.

It was not until September 23 that it began to present a similar form as a discretionary update for all insiders on the SEE channel, that is, the individuals who are from now on in Windows 10.

People who are now using this form will undoubtedly not perceive any significant change in the contrasted framework with the last form, apart from fixing a list of known problems, there are no significant changes to notice more.

The new Windows 11 is a bit disastrous and its release date is too close.

This variant from now on has the new forms of use, for example, photos, calculator, cutouts, and clock (with the meetings of the center of Spotify). Be that as it may, there are still numerous customers in a similar beta channel that have not achieved the refreshed forms of mail and calendar, so they will also be lost in the preview.

Despite being so close to normal day, in Windows 11 there are some components in a pretty shocking state, and although the improvement has progressed enough for Microsoft Distribute the main version before the last, there are still numerous things to clean. The question is, how many touches can do in less than about fourteen days?

A couple of days before shipment of Windows 11, the "New" File Explorer is a finished catastrophe.

Windows 11 is booked to start reaching customers on October 5, 2021. That is less than about fourteen days, and if something we have seen those who interest us For the Insider program for more than one lustro, it is that the minimum will change in the last form in contrast to the last not very stable forms that have been delivered in the Beta Canal.

At the moment I like how they are doing Windows 11 and I have chosen to pass forever Windows 10. However, this does not imply that the framework is in the money, in fact, it is, in any case, humiliating the condition of certain components, and what is happening with the file browser at this time is... horrible.

The new explorer looks very nice and moderate from the beginning, and the questionable strip menu no longer exists... Or yes? It depends on how you open and what is opened in the browser.

The new Windows 11 is a bit disastrous and its release date is too close.

First you have to take note of the small detail that when touching the button to display the area's menu it shows something inadequate that does not have adjusted edges (less than fourteen days, individuals).

In the event that we use that menu to go to our client envelope, or to a library or this PC, nothing strange happens. Be that as it may, in case we choose to use it to go to the control panel (which is left as a fast area there) and then click on the bolt above to return... Shock, it's Windows 10 Explorer with a strip menu what is not.

Not only does it completely change the interface to the past, however, the right pressure brooch also changes and shows the last style. But that's not all, in case we choose to go to an envelope as contacts within your client, the file browser changes one more time, this time by one more similar to that of Windows7. Meticulousness to another level.

What will happen to these serious mistakes?

I prepared to bet that this will continue in this way in the last Windows 11 form, stable call it. I really need to be out of base and I trust that the statement during the Windows Declaration (The one who spoke of "tender loving Care" With so much enthusiasm, it deserves something, however, I have no hope.

The edifying news on this is that it happens to 11 is totally discretionary, and Windows 10 will continue to stay up to 2025. What I do not understand is the race to deliver a Windows 11 that unequivocally has benefited from a couple of longer cleanliness. It is that even to return fundamental capabilities that have been removed from the taskbar, it would be necessary to delay until the end of 2022.

Probably this alone is a period of correction of errors, but compared to the other operating systems in its beginnings this is a total catastrophe. It can be said that it is the worst that has created Microsoft, since it is not even optimized, in my opinion, the release date was anticipated when the system should have finished before launching them such a disaster, however, it may be remastered or updated for improvement.
