What are the Digital Marketing trends for 2022?

It is no secret to anyone that, both in 2021 and 2022, trends in Digital Marketing have been transformed due to the changes produced by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. Therefore, strategies have had to be modified to meet consumer needs.
That is why, if you have a portal, online store or corporate website, you need to know what the next Digital Marketing trends will be to start 2022 on the right foot and keep up to date on the changes that influence the digital field and the forms of consumption. Thus, you can innovate the modus operandi of your company.
Main trends in Digital Marketing 2022 to succeed in the online scenario
Currently, it is advantageous to adapt to new circumstances to optimize the actions of your company or business and thus take advantage of the strengths of technology in order to provide a better user experience.
Like, build loyalty and create a quality bond with them.
Indeed, the digitization of all kinds of activities motivated by the global pandemic has made a great difference and thus has outlined the next trends in Digital Marketing. Taking into account that, the changes will extend until the year 2022, and you will only be able to prosper in the online scenario if you follow the following proposals:
1) Mindful Marketing

It is a marketing technique that has its origin in "mindfulness" and responds to a more humanized promotion where the ego of the leading entrepreneur is left aside.
Consequently, it consists of a kind of conscious marketing that helps companies become companies that are really concerned about the wishes or requirements of their customers.
By nature, Mindful Marketing helps brands understand what the expectations of their potential consumers around the company are.
In order to do so, feel capable of managing corporate proposals to solve real problems and provide a differentiating element in favor of improving the world.
Therefore, to practice this new type of marketing, companies should not only focus on the benefits of the products or services they offer or on the material characteristics of it, but also have to focus on the most internal concerns or desires of their customers clients. Being an excellent solution, to enhance your loyalty.
How to apply Mindful Marketing?
Here are some recommendations to implement this strategy in your business without dying in the attempt:
Empathize with each of your customers : It is valuable to connect with your potential customers in a conscious way to know what they are looking for. To achieve this, it is recommended to understand the values of your audience and practice active listening at all times.
Explore the meaning of your company : Make sure you rethink the meaning of your business, thinking primarily about how to distribute the partnership through your corporate actions. It is an essential element to practice Mindful Marketing properly.
Study the cause of the problems : You must focus on the causes of the problems that you must solve through your corporate actions. Which will help you fine-tune them to perfection.
Maintain transparency at all times : It is worth showing your most human side and being transparent, in order to manage an effective way of transmitting your messages and that your target audience empathizes with your goals. To do this, you can resort to the technique called "storytelling" which is the art of telling stories.
Work for collective satisfaction : Beyond satisfying the needs of your customers, it is essential to seek collective satisfaction to cover the improvement of the planet and thus achieve optimal results.
Promote a culture of corporate happiness : It is also vital that your employees are satisfied with their work, so that MindFul Marketing works as a strategy. To do this, do your best to reconcile personal and professional life, as well as make them participate in the decisions of your company.
Why integrate Mindful Marketing in 2022? Profits
The main reasons for using Mindgul Marketing as a business strategy are the following:
Optimize the identity of the brand : It gives you the possibility of being a company that sells products, for example; to become an entity that supports the defense of the planet or people with cancer to add value to the world.
Increase the prescribers : Another advantage is that consumers acquire your services for the commitment of social, humanitarian and environmental responsibility. Well, they know that with their purchase you are supporting a good cause.
Build customer loyalty : This new brand approach is necessary to highlight its most authentic values and thereby connect with the consumer in a more intrinsic way. In this way, it allows you to better relate to customers, build loyalty and share a series of beliefs or interests with each other.
2) Voice Marketing

In the 2.0 world, voice assistants have gained ground in a disproportionate way and due to the interest they generate, many brands have chosen to include it in their marketing strategies. From there, the popular "Voice Marketing" was born, which is used mainly to optimize brand content through spoken searches.
It should be noted that voice assistants are defined as artificial intelligence software that has the ability to know the language precisely, respond to voice commands and carry out specific actions. Thus, they are used to reach the target audience in a more dynamic way through devices that work with voice assistants.
How to incorporate Voice Marketing into your strategy?
Idea 1: Creation of sound content.
Now, companies must also focus on creating audio content, beyond written web content that attracts traffic. For example, podcasts are a class of content whose consumption has increased significantly.
Idea 2: Connect with applications.
You can also use third-party apps that add functionality to the voice-controlled device. In this way, voice assistants will offer the possibility of interacting more directly with the brand.
Idea 3: SEO Strategy.
Through Voice Marketing, there is the possibility of doing a different keyword research that helps you optimize your global SEO strategy based on specific customer requests. This allows the "long tail" to have a greater role.
Idea 4: Possibility of repeating orders.
Through Voice Marketing, businesses will be able to implement the option of repeating orders in order to simplify the action for the user. In this way, it will encourage purchase more immediately and is useful for shops, restaurants or supermarkets, for example.
What are the pros of using this trend in Digital Marketing?
Reach more than one user at the same time : Voice assistants are good at reaching different users at the same time. Which allows campaigns to be more efficient.
Simplify access to technology : Regardless of the technological knowledge of each client, Voice Marketing involves the integration of the entire public and facilitates access to technology. Being an excellent option for people with cognitive, visual or mobility disabilities.
Provoking to Action : As inquiries can be made more quickly with a simple voice command, it is easier to prod the public to action. As a result, product sales on Voice Marketing optimized sites have grown a lot over the years.
3) UCG: User as content generator

The UCG is the new reality of current marketing and will be a trend in 2022. Basically, it consists of a practice in which the user is the protagonist, since they create content on the Internet and produce it on different websites. Thus, a strategy in which users are more linked to the content.
For its part, this content can be presented in different formats: Text, images, videos or audio ; which are published online on RRSS platforms. Once the brands obtain the owner permissions, they have the possibility of using said content for their campaigns exclusively and in this way, the marketing generated by the consumer himself is carried out.
Thus, the UGC is characterized by directly influencing the "keywords" or keywords. Since, as they are terms used in browsers, they help to facilitate Internet searches. Taking into account that, keywords are vital in Digital Marketing to carry out any strategy.
Examples of User as Content Generator:
Photos or videos created by the same users.
Public comments from a follower.
Electronic reviews of brand products or services.
Any blogger post, whether paid or unpaid.
Indeed, the UGC is an ideal strategy to enhance the image of the brand, as well as to raise its visibility, differentiate itself from the competition and set the tone without having to pay for advertising directly.
What are the reasons to use UGC as Digital Marketing?
Among the main advantages, we highlight:
Feedback — Allows the community to be motivated to interact organically with the brand. Thus generating an increase in visibility that activates the feedback process quickly.
Unique content — Although it is true, the Content Generator User creates exclusive content for the brand and with it, you can gain originality about your products. Above all, if you share content about your brand continuously.
High traffic — By inherent user-generated content tends to speed up the purchasing process, thereby increasing both traffic and brand conversions.
Authenticity — Another benefit is that it increases the authenticity of the business, since it is a real content based on the experience of each user with the product or service.
4) Chatbots

It consists of a program that focuses on imitating conversations with people using Artificial Intelligence and thus, executes actions related to interaction, with the aim of providing better customer service. In other words, it is capable of interacting with users within a specific area for which it has been programmed.
Consequently, in Digital Marketing, it has become a recurring practice to streamline processes and make it impossible for frustrated users who choose to stop contracting the services of the brand because of not meeting their needs. Therefore, chatbots can fulfill different functionalities such as:
Optimize customer service : This is achieved by solving doubts, problems or complaints quickly and accurately. Thus, it speeds up user management without the need for human personnel to do so.
Boost sales or hiring : With a conversational model, a chatbot has the ability to guide customers in the process of searching, choosing and buying the brand's products or services.
Generate content : They can also simplify access to regular updates in the form of alerts or by sending personalized messages. All this, based on conversations made with the chatbot previously.
Why take advantage of Chatbots in your Digital Marketing strategies? According to official data
Here are 7 statistics that explain the importance of chatbots in Online Marketing:
58% of millennials are familiar with this communication system and more than 53% of people globally have been interested in knowing how these bots work.
64% of business customers are inclined to obtain solutions to their doubts or problems through a chat, instead of calling customer service.
More than 44% of people who use the Internet, prefer to press a button to initiate a conversation by text, instead of having to wait for a response by phone.
Around 86% of young people point out that brands have to use chatbots to sell or promote their products and / or services. Otherwise, they will be forgotten.
71% of the Millennial population considers that they are willing to make purchases using a chatbot, due to its ease.
Approximately 44% of entrepreneurs in Europe say that the use of chatbots guarantees optimal benefits for their company. Because they motivate customer decision-making.
During 2021, more than 85% of customer interactions have been managed thanks to a bot. Therefore, its increase is forecast to be more exponential in 2022.
Learn about the main advantages of implementing chatbots in your company:
If you still do not feel motivated to include these elements in your Digital Marketing strategy, below, we point out the main advantages they provide to businesses :
Ability to create immediate responses : They work to collect information and move the user through the purchase process. Thus, it meets the needs in an agile way.
Efficiency in the purchase process : Another benefit is that they help make the business process much more efficient, both for the public and for the brand.
Generates empathy with the user : This, thanks to the fact that it satisfies their needs quickly and without any complications.
Customization of responses : It is also useful to personalize the response to each client and in this way, allows each person to be loyal to recommend the product / service and buy / hire it again.
Finally, knowing each of these Digital Marketing trends to boost your brand or company in the year 2022, you will have more possibilities to positively transform your business and provide a better user experience that differentiates you from the competition. Thus, you will continue to add value to your audience.