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Netflix will charge “extra” to those who share their passwords

The pilot plan began in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru; Therefore, people who use the password of third parties who are in said countries could begin to be "bounced" from the streaming platform.

Vanessa Altuve
3 min de lectura
Netflix will charge “extra” to those who share their passwords
Netflix will charge "extra" to those who share their passwords with guests.

Surely at some point you have used the Netflix account of a friend or family member, or you have lent your account for third parties to use it; But did you know that in the contract of this streaming company they stipulate that the password cannot be shared with people who live outside the subscriber's home?

Well, now Netflix will enforce this rule and start charging those who share their passwords with guests; such is the case of those subscribers who have Premium or Standard plans, who extend their membership to people who do not use the same IP address.

Extra members or Netflix subaccounts

For those who wish to share their account, the US company will offer to add " extra members" or " subaccounts", paying an additional cost.

Since March 16, Netflix launched the pilot plan in Latin America, specifically in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru, which will be progressively extended.

Consequently, people who use the password of third parties who are in those countries, could begin to be "bounced" from the platform ; while the main subscribers will receive notifications to add these “extra members”.

In general, the amount to be paid will be minimal compared to hiring a new account.

For example, those who use the Premium plan with five profiles must pay $15.99 per month, and can add a maximum of two “subaccounts” for an additional amount of $2.99 each.

Said " subaccount" will be completely independent from the main account, with its own username, password, preferences and recommendations.

According to The Washington Post newspaper, since March of last year Netflix would be working on this modification, which would have a favorable impact on the company, since its income depends solely on its subscribers, as they do not use advertising within the platform.

In this sense, the director of product innovation at Netflix, Chengyi Long, stated that the leakage of income affects the possibility of investment by the company, which finances original productions and, in addition, must pay special licenses to offer the public new programs and renowned classics.

It should be noted that until 2021, Netflix had more than 220 million subscribers in the world, reaching 39 million in Latin America alone.

Another Netflix Innovation

Netflix will charge “extra” to those who share their passwords
Netflix will allow "transfer accounts" safeguarding the user's personalization.

Among the innovations that Netflix will present is that of transferring profiles, which will allow users to maintain the personalization of their account as well as of "My list", when changing membership.

That is, if someone can no longer or does not want to continue "sponsoring" the account of a third party, they can migrate the information of that profile to a subaccount through the option of extra member or to a new account.
