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10 keys to overcome the absence of a loved one

Dilis Salazar
6 min de lectura

When you think that everything is over, a glimmer of hope always comes.

There is no doubt that one of the most difficult circumstances a human being faces is when he loses a loved one.

The absence of that person you love so much can cause some emotional upheavals, leading to depression.

However, although this is a normal process that we all live, as part of the cycle of life, for "some" the death of a loved one can also be their death.

10 keys to overcome the absence of a loved one – Wellness and Health
The duel

Well, in this process, their life is filled with pain, bitterness, and they do not discover how to overcome the grief.

I have lived closely the loss of a loved one, and I know what I am talking about. These tips are sure to help you regain your spirits.

Learn to live and overcome grief: 10 keys to achieve it

There is no doubt that grief is a stressful situation, and if we do not know how to balance our emotions then we will end in a total loss of life.

The pandemic has been a crisis that has caused us to lose many loved ones, and our lifestyle has changed, but we cannot think that everything is over; there will always be something we can do.

1. Accept emotions

Many people shy away from crying, or feeling the opposite feelings. What's more, some prefer to hide everything they feel in this process called grief.

But let me tell you that the first step you must take is to accept the feelings. You may feel anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness or denial, all of this is normal.

At first, you try to make up for everyone else around you, but over time you realize that the absence only causes more disappointment.

Although these feelings may seem irrational, do not blame yourself for feeling them, little by little you will understand that it is part of a new reality.

2. Talk about your pain with others

It is proven that when one person talks to another about their triumphs, the joy is maximized; The same goes for pain.

You may not feel safe talking to everyone about your process, but it would be a good idea to tell others about your pain.

When you speak, the pain can be reduced and you can then easily vent.

If you refuse what happened and do not want to talk about it with anyone, you can fall into isolation and this will not be an easy way to grieve.

3. Channel your emotions

Another way to deal with this intense pain is to learn to channel your emotions.

This process is not eternal, so as time goes by, you must look for the tools to continue with your life.

4. Take care of your health

This is very important, despite the death of your loved one, there are other people who depend on you, so it is important to take care of yourself. For this I recommend you start with a good diet, exercise and rest the necessary time.

Physical health and emotional health must be taken care of. And if you keep your mind busy, such as exercise, then you can add more energy to the body and deal with negative thoughts.

5. Remember the moments lived

This is another way to learn to overcome grief; you must take into account the time you lived with that person.

The most beautiful memories will help you overcome the pain caused by the pain. The most beautiful moments, and the memories will be the way in which you can overcome the absence.

6. Learn to be patient

This is a process that takes time, getting over it overnight is not easy. You must be patient with yourself and with your loved ones.

Do not judge who still cannot overcome it, or who has already risen from pain. Each person experiences grief differently.

There will be an opportune time where grief will be a thing of the past, and despite the pain, you will be able to have another vision of life.

Learn to be patient and allow time to do its work.

7. Take some time to get out

If you stay locked in the same place, perhaps the situation distresses you much more. The ideal is to learn to share with other people and find a special time to go out.

You can leave your house, see new places and enjoy with your loved ones. Distraction, time away from home can be great.

You can take a break from grief by doing family activities, finding another way to learn to live without the person you have lost.

8. Try not to be alone

Loneliness is not a good companion right now. Here thoughts can come that will destabilize you, so you should always occupy your mind with other people and family.

9. Be kind and empathetic

If there is someone else in your family with greater pain, then the best way to help heal the soul is by being empathetic and respecting their behaviors.

Always keep in mind that no one is guilty of what happened, that is why you should not be bitter, or judge others.

Don't take this time to make claims, or to bring up some episodes from the past.

10. Don't blame yourself

Living the emotions is important, but you cannot accept that the thoughts of guilt play havoc with you.

If you feel happy about something that happened, don't feel guilty about the death. Consider that the death of your loved one can be part of life, and it must continue.

I know you have already heard the phrase "life goes on", and this is real. Although the pain will be present, you must take refuge in other people who have also stayed and who love you.

On special dates, remember your loved one with affection, love and happiness. If the months or years have passed and you think you've gotten over it, then stop the painful feelings from coming back to you.

The best way to overcome pain is time, but you must also do your part.

Start with small actions, and you will see how those upset feelings will pass.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
10 claves para superar la ausencia de un ser querido
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