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Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health

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Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health

There are thousands of ways to earn a living, and it is that some jobs are more demanding in terms of risk and physical fatigue than others. However, there are hidden dangers in the bad habits of so-called office jobs that subtly harm our health.

It does not matter if you work for a company, or if you are a freelancer, there are certain customs that become part of your routine. These end up affecting circulation, performance, nutrition, and even your mind.

And if you are part of this work group, you undoubtedly need to know the following habits. Well, this simple action can prevent great pain and bad times in the long term.

Bad habits, and how do they affect us?

A habit is an act ingrained in the daily routine, that we execute almost unconsciously, these can be productive or harmful. They grow over time and are not easy to replace, so we must take care of the bad ones.

Incorrect posture when sitting

If you are going to spend a lot of time in front of the screen, you must assume the correct posture in the chair. In general, people tend to take a bad position in search of comfort and only end up hurting themselves by continuing with it.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Correct posture to work

If you have a job from home, it is best to adapt a space with the right conditions. If you place yourself anywhere you will end up with your head tilted for hours, your back and legs poorly positioned along with pain in your hands.

The best thing to do is to place the keyboard comfortably. Your back should be straight against the back. In turn, your vision should be fully straight ahead without you having to tilt your head. Be aware that poor posture creates damage to the spine, neck, neck, and hands.

Work without pause

All kinds of tasks require their respective breaks, and we are not just talking about a lunch break.

In these types of jobs it is customary to sit for a long time doing activities without taking micro breaks, which overloads your mind.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Walk to clear your mind

It is not about working sloppily and inefficiently, but about establishing small escape spaces between tasks every so often.

This allows the mind to get oxygenated, it can be just getting up and stretching the body or taking a short walk.

When these micro breaks are not done, stress increases and our body becomes stiff. Instead of increasing performance, what will multiply is fatigue at the end of the day, so much so that it can affect even our sleep.

Eating too much candy

In general, spending a lot of time sitting in computer activities generates some anxiety, which many people calm with treats. And although one does not hurt, when this happens to be something excessive it can become a problem.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health

The consumption of sugar in small doses is productive, since it generates energy. Despite this, large doses and constantly, generates oral problems, addictive symptoms and obesity.

Eating improperly

In the desire to be more productive or even to increase income, many people neglect their diet.

Some eat simultaneously while they continue doing activities, and others postpone their meals to give continuity to some task.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Meals during work a serious mistake for your health

This has a very negative impact. Because when you do not take time to eat correctly, the body does not assimilate food productively.

Poor diet problems are quite varied, ranging from obesity to weight loss. They also cause digestive problems by consuming food in an accelerated manner and without chewing.

Activity disorder

Many times, you are surrounded by many tasks on a daily basis, and these are solved or accumulated randomly throughout the day.

If there is no order and control of them, there is always some left out, which generates extra work after normal hours.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Work disorder

Clutter in terms of responsibilities is quite damaging, as it ends up increasing the pressure load.

It produces stress and cuts down on rest and recreation time. It is not correct to try to go beyond what is really possible.

A practical solution is to keep a daily schedule of activities, and to write down extraordinary tasks that arise during the day.

Clutter negatively impacts our mind and can affect our feelings and emotions.

Excessive coffee consumption

It is quite normal to consume coffee in office jobs, as a way to inject life into the work routine.

It itself works effectively to keep us awake and active when carrying out tasks.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health

Even so, its consumption must be regulated, since many become addicted to ingesting large amounts a day.

This can lead to blood pressure problems, and an increase in heart rate. In addition, it influences the loss of sleep which increases fatigue.

Don't set limits

As practical as it may seem, taking work home is not a good practice, even if you work from home independently.

You must establish limits and schedules, since your body is synchronized with your mind and if you do not disconnect, it does not assimilate rest.

Bad habits in office jobs that harm your health – Wellness and Health
Don't bring work home

It is very common to see people who continue with activities at home after leaving the office as a way to advance work.

However, this pushes the body to its peak, depriving it of recreational time and increasing the stress load which is harmful.

Increased stress can lead to disorientation, bad temper and even sudden hair loss. It also affects our circulation and cardiac functions, so it is best to apply rest times well as a means of oxygenation.

Try to avoid these mistakes, and seek to maintain a healthy life.
