Facts about obesity

3 min de lectura

Considered the XXI century pandemic is increasingly common in countries like Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil, but the countries with the highest rate of obesity are still United States (1 in 3 Americans are obese), Spain and Portugal.

Experts recommend that prevention should start from childhood avoiding childhood obesity, since an obese child is prone to be an obese adult.

For this reason our children must maintain an adequate diet, balanced, healthy and rich in minerals and vitamins, so these will be the eating habits for the rest of the lives of children and young people. This accompanied by some interday or weekly physical activity.

Facts about obesity – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Data on Obesity in general

• Obesity is simply excess body fat, this affects people of any gender, age, ethnic group without distinction.

• A person is considered obese whose weight exceeds 20 percent normal weight for your age, sex, build and height.

• Weight is only part of the story, perhaps the most important is the percentage of body fat.

• In healthy women up to 25 percent of body weight; in men 17 percent is a healthy percentage.

• The human organism has between thirty and forty trillion cells.

• Additional calories that are not used as an immediate source of energy are stored as fat.

• The body's ability to store fat has ceased to be a valuable survival mechanism and has become a serious public health problem.

• Obesity, including moderate overweight, places excessive stress on the back, knees, legs and some internal organs.

• Obesity increases the body's resistance to insulin and susceptibility to infections, and increases the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, gallbladder and kidney diseases, stroke and other pathologies that can end in premature deaths.

• Complications in pregnancy and liver damage they are more common in people who are overweight.

• Due to stereotypes of our society, obese people suffer not only from physical but also psychological health problems.

• The most frequent causes to be prone to obesity are diet and / or eating habits and lack of physical activities.

• Other factors that usually lead to obesity are glandular disorders, diabetes, hypoglycemia, emotional tension, boredom and addiction for sweets and refined flours.

• Obesity has also been linked to intolerance and / or food allergies

• Foods laden with chemicals and saturated with salt are a poison for our body, producing fluid retention.

• There are three basic ways to manage overweight through nutritional supplements. The first is to use herbs and diuretic nutrients to decrease fluid retention. The second is to use lipotropic vitamins, which have the ability to reduce cholesterol and fat. The third is to use natural appetite suppressants.

Obesity is a threat to individual and collective health.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Datos sobre la obesidad
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