Home remedies to detoxify the colon
The colon is a very important organ since it allows you to eliminate toxins and waste from your body, so this time we bring you some home remedies to detoxify the colon.
As we mentioned before, this organism is very important, because if it is affected in any way, our whole body will also be affected.

To avoid future problems in this organ we recommend you take healthy and natural habits.
Why detoxify the colon naturally?
Due to the great importance of the colon, both in the assimilation of nutrients and in the elimination of toxins it is important to keep it in good condition.
In this sense, home remedies to detoxify the colon help:
• Increase energy.
• Avoid fluid retention.
• Have a more restful sleep.
• Keep skin crisp and healthy.
• Decrease allergy attacks.
• Relieve digestion problems.
• Improve blood circulation.
• Increase the immune system.
• Facilitate the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
We must bear in mind that the accumulation of toxins in the body, affect the intestinal flora. This strongly influences the efficiency of the functioning of the immune system.
Home remedies to detoxify the colon
We already understood that detoxifying the colon is very important, that is why here we bring you the best home remedies to do it:
Sage tea
Since it works as a natural antiseptic, salvia helps treat infections of the digestive system.
At the same time the extracts released for its leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that allows to restore intestinal activity.
• 250 ml of water.
• 1/5 grams of dried salvia leaves.
• Boil the water and when it reaches its boiling point pour into the sage leaves.
• Cover the cup with the mixture and let stand for 10 minutes.
• Stretch and take twice a day.

Thyme tea
It works as a disinfectant of the digestive tract, also has thymol a powerful antiseptic.
• 1 tablespoon of thyme
• 250ml of water
• Put to heat the water until it boils, then remove from the heat and add the thyme.
• Let the infusion stand for 10 minutes and then filter.
• You can take one or three cups of this infusion per day.
NOTE; If you undergo a thyroid treatment, anticoagulant or suffer from allergy by plants of the Lamiaceae family you should not consume this tea.
Chamomile tea
This plant is excellent for digestion thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to calm stomach problems (gastric ulcers, cramps, diarrhea etc) and detoxify the colon. At the same time this plant can relax the muscles and the intestinal lining.
• 250 ml of water.
• 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers.
• You can put chamomile in a tea ball or if you prefer a bag of chamomile in the teapot.
• Put the water to boil and pour over the teapot.
• Let stand 10 minutes and then serve.
Fennel seed tea
Fennel seeds have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. This allows to relieve gas, swelling and detoxify the colon.
• 250 ml of water.
• 1 tablespoon of crushed fennel seeds.
• Take the crushed fennel seeds and place in a teapot.
• Boil the water and pour it over the seeds.
• Let stand for 10 minutes then serve.

Ginger and lemon tea
On the one hand we have lemon, fruit rich in vitamin C, so it is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates toxins from the liver. And on the other hand the ginger which helps to facilitate digestion, eliminate toxins from food and more.
Due to the many properties of these foods are one of the best home remedies to detoxify the colon.
• 1 lemon
• Ginger.
• 1 tablespoon of honey.
• 80 cl of boiling water.
• Put to heat water.
• Cut the ginger and pour in the boiling water for 20 minutes.
• Add lemon juice and honey.
Keeping our colon free of toxins is essential, as these are harmful and contribute to the appearance of; fatigue, weight gain and other problems related to the digestive system.