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How do I increase my intelligence?
It is in everyone's great interest to know what our IQ is or in other words, to see how smart we are and if we can be even smarter.
Intelligence has been a widely researched construct for years and is still in force today. So we teach you a little more about the concept of intelligence and some activities that will help you increase it.
Can intelligence be measured?
Intelligence has always been a field of interest for scientific research, so there is a lot of research on how to measure it.
But since there is no consensus around the definition, neither does it exist on the best way to measure intelligence, which is why different tests measure different aspects of intelligence.
The score obtained in the exams that measure the Intellectual Quotient or Coefficient (IQ) is well known, however there are authors who doubt its validity, since they only evaluate a small group of intellectual abilities.
These generally focus on measuring the speed with which each individual solves a sequence of insignificant problems, instead of measuring whether they are capable of solving significant problems even if they make mistakes and regardless of the time it takes.
In this section it is important to also consider the different cultures and how they can influence the realization, definition and measurement of intelligence.
However, there are intelligence tests that measure more than one aspect, which are adapted to the culture to be measured and which may or may not take into account the time in which people respond to it.
Although there is no agreement on how to measure it, progress has been significant and intelligence tests are undoubtedly a tool for many.
Can intelligence be increased?
The human brain is flexible, so increasing intelligence is feasible. It changes depending on the experiences, training and our openness to learning itself, here we bring you some activities that can help you:
1. Meditation
Meditating increases intelligence, since it trains us to be more attentive, and with this we can observe both the world around us and ourselves seeing the whole picture, which consequently will make us consider greater possibilities of resolution.
2. Exposure to new experiences
Everything new stimulates our brain, since it is necessary to do a thought process that allows us to absorb, understand and incorporate the new information, which induces an increase in intelligence, since it creates new connections in your brain.
3. Physical and mental exercise
Exercise oxygenates the brain and optimizes its management, minimizes stress and helps clear the mind.
It is also essential to do mental exercises regularly, exercise your memory, do basic mathematical operations manually, play chess, crossword puzzles or similar activities.
4. Learn a new language or play an instrument
Learning a new language exercises many intellectual functions, which is why it enhances the increase of our intelligence.
It happens in the same way when learning a new musical instrument, functions such as attention, memory, coordination, analogies, and so on are put into play.
5. Look for the hard way
Try not to always resort to the instructions, deduce the path to reach the result, this makes you more creative and intelligent.
7. Rest
The brain requires pauses for it to function properly, otherwise it will be exhausted and will work in mid-gear, which will reduce its dexterity.
Sleep is essential for the brain to be able to process the information it has absorbed during learning, and it can be put to use at another time.
Intelligence is one of our most valuable resources, and it is in our hands to train our cognitive abilities to be more flexible and allow us to function more effectively in all areas of our life.