The best green juices to lose weight that you should know

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The best green juices to lose weight that you should know – Wellness and Health
Green juices

The juices to lose weight are constituted as one of the most effective methods to lose weight naturally and healthily. However, so that the results are favorable, it is necessary to combine them with regular exercises.

The best of this kind of smoothies for burn fat, is that it is not necessary to follow strange diets. This is because juices contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, so they complement their diet.

Another of the benefits they contribute is their large number of antioxidants, as well as fibers, which provide a feeling of being satiated, which will prevent it from consuming more food between meals. Apart, they will allow you to control your appetite. But, you should remember that it is not a main meal.

This implies that it must be complemented with healthy and balanced eating. Next, we give you some of the best recipes to lose weight.

Three recipes of green juices you should know

A Green tea to lose weight can be the natural and definitive solution for those who have tried everything and fail to lose weight. But, undoubtedly the best prescriptions tested by experts are the following:

Green celery juice

The best green juices to lose weight that you should know – Wellness and Health
Green celery juice

It is an ideal juice for those looking to detoxify your body. This is a combination of various vegetables and fruits, which provide those who take them, many and nutrients.


Cold water.

A lemon.

An apple.

A celery branches.

A banana.

A cucumber.

A bowl of spinach.


Wash spinach with water, lemon juice or vinegar, leaf and reserve.

Peel apples, as well as cucumber and banana, then cut them into pieces, preferably medium.

Squeeze the lemon juice in a container, to protect you in the refrigerator.

After having all the ingredients prepared, place them in the crusher or blender.

Serve the juice or juice resulting in a glass and if you want, add a little ice preferably crushed.

Green juice of spinach and ginger

The best green juices to lose weight that you should know – Wellness and Health
Green juice of spinach and ginger

This is a somewhat special juice, thanks to the unique and different flavor that ginger provides. In addition, this ingredient provides fiber and antioxidants that will be a perfect complement.


Enough water.

A couple of ice cubes.

A bowl with fresh spinach.

Two pears.

A piece of ginger of one centimeter.


Wash spinach with a little lemon juice or vinegar and reserve. Wash the rest of the ingredients with plenty of cold water and pink the celery into very small pieces.

In the case of the pear, ask it before and cut it into small pieces. (It is necessary to peel the pear because many times, not being ecological, it accumulates traces of pesticides on the skin.).

Remove the skin from ginger and expose the interior.

Place all the ingredients (except ginger) in the blender or the extractor and turn them to extract the juice.

After you have crushed the above, add the ginger and turn on again until you notice that this has been integrated Well.

Pour the juice into a glass and add the amount of crushed ice that you consider necessary.

Take it immediately before the liquefied oxidized.

To reserve the rest of the juice, you must place it in a container where you can cover it hermetically, and save it in the refrigerator. In the container you should avoid leaving air, as it will cause the smoothie to oxide. Another good option is to freeze it.

Green pineapple juice with cucumbers

The best green juices to lose weight that you should know – Wellness and Health
Pineapple green juice with cucumber

It is one of the best smoothies, because it is not only served for burn fat, but also serves as a diuretic. This is not only delicious because of its sweetness, without separating vitamins B1, B6, folic acid and other minerals that will be helpful for your body.


The amount you want from ice cubes and water.

Four pineapple slices.

Fresh ginger to taste (although an acceptable amount is a piece of 1 centimeter).

One piece of celery.

The juice of two oranges.

One cucumber.


First, wash fruits and vegetables to use with enough water, preferably cold.

Peel cucumber and pineapple and cut both into medium pieces.

Remove in juice of oranges and place them in a container, which you should reserve in the refrigerator.

Enter all the ingredients in the blender or the extractor and turn it on to remove the juice.

Man serves the Juice resulting in a glass and add ice cubes, or crushed ice.

The best of green juices to lose weight at night

The difference between the Green juices to lose weight that are consumed in the morning and those that are consumed during the night, is that some are more efficient. This is because they work burning fat as long as no more food is consumed.

This implies that they work in the agency, without the stomach work on the digestion of new foods. The best of these really effective shakes, is as follows:

Green apple juice and spinach

The best green juices to lose weight that you should know – Wellness and Health
Green apple juice and spinach

The combination of these ingredients is perfect for consuming overnight. Apart, it is very sweet and delicious.


A pair of ice cubes.

Two apples.

One cucumber.

Two cups of spinach.

One branch of celery.

One lemon.


Peel the apples and cut it into small pictures, taking care to extract the heart and seeds.

See the spinach and leaf.

Squeeze the lemon juice.

Peel the cucumber and pic it into small checkered.

Place all the previous ingredients in the blender, next to a little water and ice cubes, turn on the blender and wait for everything It is crushed.

Serve the juice in a glass and Bébalo while it is cold.

Conclusions of green juices to burn fat

Green juices or smoothies to lose weight are one of the best natural options to supplement your diet and help you lose weight. That is why we encourage you to try any.
