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Time management: How to achieve success?

5 min de lectura
Time management: How to achieve success? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Proper time management increases productivity and efficiency

Time management is a method that many want to master, but few can. It is a guideline to follow to benefit autonomy, productivity and efficiency in any area of life.

There are different ways to achieve favorable goals based on good time management. If you don't know of any, there's still time to catch up on it below.

Knowledge about time management and its definition

Time management is known as the simple process of organizing human activity based on the hours of the day. It also takes into account the days of the week or any stipulated period of time to carry out a particular plan.

Other definitions establish it as the conscious control of time due to specific activities. In this way, productivity, performance and efficiency are increased by one hundred percent.

Time management: How to achieve success? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
With an idyllic organization the calendar can be easily tamed

Currently, it is cataloged as a healthy habit that promotes mastery of the various fronts of life. With its correct application, it will be possible to specify all kinds of activities and objectives within the established period.

What are the classical fundamentals about the organization of time?

The bibliography and classic literature that deals with this subject always coincides in a key aspect. It expresses the essential fundamentals to achieve good management of the routine, practically without immersed failures. Of all of them, 4 of great relevance have been identified:

  1. Favorable environment: refers to the environment in which the person develops. It must be suitable enough for the relationship to be reciprocal. In a better environment, the individual will be more effective in organizing and fulfilling their tasks.

  2. Priority list: good management involves putting together a list of things to do. It requires being led by the true priorities that are willing to generate an important change in life. Or, failing that, increase performance and productivity.

  3. Better distribution of time: explains that the individual must dedicate the hours to what is really in the foreground. The superficial and innocuous, everything that does not produce a serious impact, has to be transferred to second instances.

  4. Goals and objectives: they are the engine that drives proper time management. Applying it perfectly, its achievement will be fast and with the desired final results.

Some tools that help effective time management

This aspect has always been considered vital for human productivity. Given this, the favorable tools to execute this task progressively increased.

The diaries

They are products similar to a book or notebook, but structured differently. Inside, it is usually divided into the months of a single calendar year.

Time management: How to achieve success? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Agendas facilitate the work in the continuity of time management

Each month has a sheet with a particular day (December 13, for example) where you can write or schedule a particular activity. Essentially, it is the most basic way to organize the day to day.

Digital applications

Thanks to the advancement of technology, agendas have been digitized for use on mobile devices. In addition to this, there are endless applications to manage time that are just as effective. Even more use is made of physical media as such.

Eisenhower scale

Also called an Eisenhower table, box, or matrix, it is a method that is still applicable.

Its structure in quadrants helps to identify those actions that are priorities when it comes to execution. As a result, the hours of the day are excellently distributed.

Time management and productivity: What are its advantages?

Time management does not only apply to work, but to any aspect of life. By practicing it effectively, it will become a healthy habit that will bear sweet fruit in the future. At the same time, it guarantees a series of absolute advantages that are useful for the person:

Less stress and anxiety

Coordinating activities in advance and based on a certain period of time, reduces stressful and anxious conditions. The individual will have greater maneuverability regarding his life without falling into some deficit that disturbs his routine.

It is proven that a more disordered life is a trigger for problems linked to mental health. The more "lazy" the person's attitude is, the worse the long-term repercussions will be.

Build a reputation

As made clear, day-to-day organization promotes excellent productivity and performance.

As an additive, efficiency brings with it the building of a lofty reputation. We will talk about an outstanding and responsible professional who complies to the extent of what is expected.

Increased self-esteem

Although it may not seem like it, self-esteem is equally benefited by the organization of the routine. Greater confidence is gained when it comes to highlighting priorities, making decisions and following the correct paths.

Time management: How to achieve success? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Making deep decisions will no longer be a problem

In short, an image of "I CAN" is generated that is difficult for society to shake. On the other hand, the satisfaction of knowing that everything is flowing as planned or on schedule, fuels the internal fire.

Sedentary lifestyle will be in the past

Sedentary lifestyle and procrastination are the worst enemies of productivity. With the right management tools and a good life boost, they can be in the past in no time.

Instead of procrastinating or procrastinating on ideas and projects, it's best to take care of them and give them a realistic date. In this way, it will be the initial step for a good quality of life.

Balance in life

By organizing the routine of life, a valuable plan for its balance is intrinsically carried out. The reason is that there is a time for family, friends or fun in general and another for work. In conclusion, there will be times for everything.
