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Tips for a happy pregnancy

4 min de lectura

Mental health problems in pregnant women have a probability of occurring in two out of ten women, which does not make them extremely common, but possible.

However, less than 25% are diagnosed and receive adequate support and treatment; which is why mental health during pregnancy has become a topic of interest, in order to maintain a happy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a period of great vulnerability and changes in the woman, in which she will need the accompaniment of her loved ones, in addition to strict medical surveillance to be healthy at all times and to be able to properly care for her baby.

This accompaniment sometimes also includes the professional help of psychologists who support the mother throughout the change they will have.

Tips for a happy pregnancy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
It is important that future moms surround themselves in a positive environment

What are the changes in the psyche of the pregnant woman?

This period is recognized as a crisis in the life of a woman, understanding crisis as a situation full of changes.

It is vitally important that the people who support the pregnant woman, whether they are family or friends, are aware of the many changes that can affect mental health during this process.

The intensity and frequency in which these changes are present is key to distinguish if they are common symptoms of pregnancy or warning signs of some other mental health condition.


It is common to hear that pregnant women are more sensitive, and indeed, it is normal for pregnancy to oscillate between periods of sensitivity, sadness and insecurity, as well as moments of fullness, security and comfort with changes.

However, it is not usual for the mother to spend a long time in one pole or another, and this would be an indicator that it is necessary to seek professional help.

In the sleep cycle

Changes in the sleep cycle are also common in pregnant women, it is normal to have a bad night's sleep, however it is important that we stay alert to these symptoms, as they can also be indicators of a mental health problem.

What are the warning signs?

As we mentioned before, it is important to be attentive to the frequency and intensity of changes, feelings and signs within the pregnancy in order to recognize the warning signs.

Maintaining good communication with health specialists is also important, they can guide you, validate you and find a healthy way to approach situations.


Pregnancy is a difficult process full of changes, in many cases, retaining these feelings can lead to great discomfort.

Family members can be part of the process and help the expectant mother.

There are also support groups or classes for parents where they can share experiences and feel safe and accompanied.

Negative and intense thoughts

As we mentioned, sometimes feeling sad is normal and part of the process, however if these thoughts are recurrent and intense, it is time to seek therapeutic help.

Tips for a happy pregnancy – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Pregnancy should be free of stress and risky situations

Loud crying

Some symptoms like loud crying are also very common in other mental health conditions, so it is important to be vigilant for this one.

High levels of stress

It is common with all physical and routine changes to have stress, but it is also important to pay attention to its levels and communicate it to your family members, partners and specialists.


Especially during this period women are more vulnerable, and it is common to feel a melancholy after childbirth. But it is vital to be attentive to what we feel to identify if we should ask for help.

It is also important in this process that the mother feels supported and safe with the care of the new baby, so the family and partner are vital in this period.

Keys to good mental health in pregnancy

  • Communicate how you feel.

  • Eat healthy and balanced.

  • Do not smoke or drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Establish routines for sleeping.

  • Exercise, preferably without a lot of weight.

  • Work on your self-esteem.

  • Have moments and activities that make you feel calm and happy.

  • Introduce relaxation activities into your routine.

  • Ask for help and delegate responsibilities.

  • Involve your partner in the process.

Remember that each pregnancy is different, the situations and its development will depend on many variables, but the family and husband are the first to be vigilant, that the future mother carries this process in the happiest way possible..
