Tips to fight asthma

3 min de lectura

Asthma is a disease that gradually affects the adult population, but moderately high to the infant population. According to the investigations carried out by specialists in the area, they assure that the main cause of risk are produced by allergy situations.

Tips to fight asthma – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Asthma is a global problem

This same report revealed that lthe greater concentration of the population that suffers it is children. the president of the Spanish society of neurology added a phrase that literally says "that asthma does not stop you".

It is wanted with this to bring an incentive to all the people who suffer from this disease especially children so that they can have the possibility of enjoying a better quality of life, to be able to perform tasks as normal as other people.

Previously when a child or teenager had asthma, a certificate was requested from the attending physician to corroborate the illness and thus present it to the school where it was forbidden to perform a certain task.

Today, we have fought for patients with asthma to try to lead a normal life. All this because of the statements made by the study carried out by the researchers, where they ensure that sport, instead of being contraindicated, is beneficial in these cases.

Tips to fight asthma – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Tips to prevent asthma

If you still do not know if you are allergic, it is best to consult a good specialist who ratifies it, if you already know it you should avoid exposing yourself to dust, to animals such as cats, and get away from Pollen altogether.

Monitor frequently if children you hear some noise like whistles, tiredness or fatigue or some other effect different from usual.

They should not make excessive efforts when standing in the presence of proliferation times so as not to aggravate possible breathing problems. Or any indication that is in the presence of a child with asthma or a condition derived.

If a person was declared asthmatic, he must constantly carry out checkups to get the treatment and proper control, which he will carry throughout his life with perseverance and discipline.

Patients should always be alert and preventive; because when it is like that, the sun should not hit it. In the case of adults who depend on a treatment, it will be necessary to indicate some things so that the medicines are controlled in greater or smaller doses as the case may be. It is recommended in adults to have an inhaler at hand to help their pathology.

As the slogan said "asthma does not stop you", a call is made to the community and society in general to establish what is necessary in such a way that this type of patient can lead his life to the full without excluding him from some activities.

You must know, at the same time to recognize that or suffer and begin to demonstrate that when a person wants to move forward in his life there is no disease that can limit him to do so, even when laws or regulations are already established for this to work in that way.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Consejos para combatir el asma
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