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Vitamins for memory: which are the best?

Vitamins for memory are that class of compounds that contribute to its improvement and functioning. Indeed, its achievement through a balanced diet is more positive than negative.
It is clear that memory is the main part of the cognitive section of the brain and, without it, nothing would be the same. In turn, there are many diseases that affect its performance, so it is useful to keep it intact.
What are the best vitamins for memory?
A balanced diet is synonymous with essential macro and micronutrients for the body. Within the latter, vitamins and minerals play a leading role.
Although there is evidence of a wide compendium of vitamin groups, only a few are of transcendence in the mind. In this sense, the following are highlighted:
B vitamins
Among the most relevant vitamins for memory are those of group B. As such, they are stored in foods such as legumes and green leafy vegetables. In addition, its content is wide in dairy, eggs and meat in general.

Currently, it is known that they participate in the improvement of mental functions. At the same time, they are metabolized as a tiny part of energy or substrate for the brain, keeping it intact.
On the other hand, they are recognized as broad predictors of neurodegenerative diseases. As a result, they prevent them from manifesting over time and favor sharpness, concentration and mental agility.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most common in the diet, belonging mainly to foods with a high citrus value. In addition to fruits such as orange or lemon, it is also present in strawberries, kiwi, peppers or broccoli.
Indeed, they are foods that you can easily include in your diet. On the other hand, vitamin C is included in the group of nutrients capable of avoiding oxidative stress, acting as an antioxidant.
As an additive, it promotes the synthesis and secretion of neurotransmitters at the central level. In other words, they intervene in the balance of these essential organic substances for good brain and organic performance, as well as memory.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is contained in selective foods such as green leafy vegetables, liver or pumpkin. Although it does not work or act directly on memory, it is well appreciated on another system.

Also known as retinol, it participates in the care and regeneration of visual cells. In other words, its consumption is closely linked to eye care, with which various life processes are memorized and learned.
Without proper vision, it is clear that, over time, mental processes will begin to fail. Therefore, beyond being one of the vitamins for memory of great caliber, it is for the part of visual acuity.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the most special adult memory and concentration vitamins. Unlike A, she acts directly on the stratum corresponding to cognition.
Essentially, it is contained in olive oil and nuts, as well as other kinds of fruit such as apples. Thanks to regular consumption of these foods, a favorable parameter is established to avoid the onset of cognitive delays.
Among other details, vitamin E is listed as an essential component for data retention and analysis. Therefore, it is the remedy at its best for memory care. And, as if that were not enough, it develops a true and beneficial antioxidant effect.
Vitamin D
Last but not least, vitamin D appears within the ranking. In the long run, it is one of the vitamins for adult memory and concentration that provides the most advantages.

In addition to this, its participation in the state of mind has been demonstrated, as well as in the analysis of information. Even vitamin D promotes different metabolic and physiological effects that protect the neuron.
Broadly speaking, vitamin D is used to prevent cognitive decline. In conclusion, it prevents the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. Best of all, with just 10 to 20 minutes of exposure to the afternoon sun, you'll get it.