Spooky case of couple who murdered and sold the body parts to the population in Mexico

Arachely Perez
2 min read
Spooky case of couple who murdered and sold the body parts to the population in Mexico

A spooky case of a couple who murdered and sold body parts to the population in Mexico

This terrible event was something that impressed the prosecution of the Mexican state, phrases like: they are unprecedented facts, we had never faced something like that; said the prosecutor of the Mexico state Alejandro Gómez.

This Monday there was the arrest of the couple that may be related to at least 10 murders.

In a statement a few days after the arrest the man agreed and coldly confessed that he had killed 20 women in Ecatepec, this place is located in the outskirts of the city of Mexico.

Several plastic bags with human remains were found in a sterile place, also in the home and in other nearby property.

Inside the investigations it has been discovered that they kept human parts in buckets full of cement and in refrigerators, but in case it was not enough they sold some parts to people that still are not known.

Unfortunately, many of these murders of women go unpunished Mexico but the horrific details of this case has caused outrage in ecatepec and many have decided to go out and make protests and ask for some security and tranquility for the city mexican

Spooky case of couple who murdered and sold the body parts to the population in Mexico
Source: EPA

Apparently juan Carlos he does not feel sorry for all the murders that he has in charge since agents said that in a cynical tone when the arrest occurred he asked if he could take a bath to appear before the media that he was not a dirty criminal. It is really incredible to believe that there can be such unscrupulous people, unfortunately thanks to people like this in the state of mexico there are many disappearances every day.
