Volunteer doctors help people from the migrant caravan.

Arachely Perez
3 min read

The amount of dehydrated children and women found in the caravan in Mexico is distressing.

Volunteer doctors help people from the migrant caravan. – WebMediums
Central American migrants walk this Thursday to Pijijiapan, Mexico.

Two weeks of crossing. The famous Migrants' caravan which is estimated to be now composed of 4000 people and they march slowly through Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico, are going through difficult times. Children, youth, women and men who are fighting for a better future for their own and whose sole objective is to reach the State United.

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Long days following a road full of obstacles, high temperatures and few food conditions have made children and women dehydrated and increasingly weak.

This Thursday a woman with dehydration was resting in a chair next to a road next to a kiosk, near there volunteer nurses came and took the temperature, in addition they delivered medicines to the migrants they were waiting in line.

It is overwhelming to see so many people in these conditions, it is reported that in the first hours of this Thursday the doctor Jesus Miravete has served more than 120 people. Many with burns on their feet from walking with plastic sandals on the warm asphalt. They tell me: I can not rest I have to continue to count Miravete, the doctor with a broken voice says that it is very sad to see so many children dehydrated.

Places of Mexico how Mapastepec which has 45,000 inhabitants have welcomed migrants, local authorities placed tents around the main square to offer from medical services to donated clothes and baby food.

The local Churches offered free showers, also enabled points to distribute food.

The state of Chiapas in the south of Mexico there are some of the poorest communities in the country but even so the villages that are suddenly flooded by the caravan have organized to offer shelter, food and medical attention.

The number of members at this time has begun to decrease. Authorities say that 1740 requested refuge in Mexico and others have accepted bus trips to return to Honduras. Disease and fatigue have been fundamental causes in the reduction of the caravan.

The caravan is missing 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) to reach the closest border crossing of McAllen, Texas. The route can be doubled if routed by the passage of Tijuana San Diego.

Candy Guillermo, 37 years old, heard people from the Caravan what Trump he was going to reinforce the borders with the military, his words were: I am surprised because children are here, the president should be more humanitarian Trump we just want to give our children a better future.
