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How to deal with hemorrhoids naturally?

Suffering from hemorrhoids is a very annoying and painful condition for those who suffer from it, tasks as simple as walking, sitting and going to the bathroom, become real feats.

Although it is quite common, few dare to talk about it, missing the opportunity to relieve symptoms in a simple and practical way from home.

What are hemorrhoids and causes that lead to their appearance?

Sometimes called piles, hemorrhoids are small veins available in the anus, fulfilling the function of protecting the anal skin from the passage of feces, although they are a normal part of its anatomy, the problem comes when they become inflamed, either in the anus or in the inner area of the rectum.

This inflammation can arise in two ways. The internal one that causes bleeding and itching, but painlessly, and the external one, when they protrude outside the anus, being the most problematic because, apart from the itching, it is accompanied by discomfort and pain with simple contact with clothing.

What is the origin of hemorrhoids?

Although constipation is the main cause that promotes the inflammation of the blood vessels of the rectum and therefore, the development of hemorrhoids, as well as acute diarrhea, pregnancy, sitting too long, anal sex and obesity, are factors of risk that promote its appearance.

Fortunately, in addition to the number of expensive commercial creams, there are homemade alternatives with which to relieve hemorrhoids quickly, easily and cheaply.

How to relieve hemorrhoids with home remedies?

Except in cases where they recur, do not heal, coagulate or prolapse, hemorrhoids can be easily relieved without having to visit a specialist. What are the most effective home treatments? Those listed below.

Two inexpensive alternatives to treat hemorrhoids

The first option to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids is the simplest, most economical and practical, it will suffice to fill the bathtub with warm water to sit in 3 times a day for about 15 minutes. In addition to calming the discomfort, the desinflammation of the area will be achieved in a few days.

If you do not want to bet on the heat, the next alternative is to use ice packs because the cold helps reduce inflammation, it is important that if you do not have a special one for treatments, wrap it in a fine cloth instead of apply ice directly to the skin.

Remedy against hemorrhoids with Epsom salts

Since ancient times, Epsom salts have been among the natural alternatives with which to combat hemorrhoids, regardless of whether they are used in the form of warm water baths or applied to the affected area in ointment.

If you go for the first option, two cups of Epsom salts will have to be added to the bathtub filled with warm water following the recommendations of the previous treatment, you also have the possibility of doing sitz baths, only for this the measure would be ½ cup of the product.

How to prepare homemade Epsom salt ointment to treat hemorrhoids?

Assuming that you want to complement the treatment with the direct application of a soothing ointment, you will need the following ingredients to prepare it:

- 2 tablespoons of espsom salts.

- 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

- A soft gauze.

Preparation and mode of use: combine the two ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste that will be applied to the anus with the help of gauze, wait for it to act for 15 minutes and remove by cleaning the area using another wet gauze. It is recommended to repeat the operation every 6 hours.

Aloe vera to relieve hemorrhoids

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of aloe vera make it an ally in the fight against hemorrhoids, without disregarding the fact that the action of its components favors healing and hydrates the area.

Although it is possible to find the gel commercially in health food stores, apothecary shops, herbal shops and pharmacies, there is the economic option of extracting it directly from the plant. How? It will be enough to cut an aloe vera leaf lengthwise, open it and remove the transparent gel with the help of a spoon.

The product obtained will be applied directly to the anus in small quantities, reserving the rest in the fridge for later use, since it is recommended to repeat the treatment 3 times a day until improvement is achieved.

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