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hip exercises

In addition to contributing to the reduction of fat in the area, exercising the hip translates to the strengthening of muscles and bones, we must not forget that it is an essential part of the body, therefore it demands special attention.

How to exercise the hip?

Hip health has a direct impact on the way you move, hence the importance of taking care of them. While everyday actions like walking and sitting keep it active, it doesn't hurt to strengthen it.

The exercise routine suggested below can be done 2-3 times a week; however, if you don't have enough time or consider it too forced, you can distribute the exercises in the most convenient way.

flex kick

The performance of the first exercise demands to be placed sideways on the floor forming a right angle with the legs, while one hand is supported in front of the chest, the other arm should be stretched under the head. Maintaining the posture, it is time to stretch both legs, one at hip height while the other is supported.

The limb located at the top will go to the front to give 3 kicks, taking care that the foot is flexed. Next, you must put your foot on tiptoe, so then you will have to bring your leg to the back, stretching it to the maximum. Finally, the foot is flexed again and gives 3 more kicks.

side leg raise

Better known as a 90º leg exercise, you will take advantage of the position of the previous activity, supporting your head in the same way as if you were calmly resting on your arm on the ground or on the beach, whether you prefer to stretch it or flex it.

The next thing is to raise the leg that remains at the top until it is perpendicular to the ground before returning to the starting position. A variant of the exercise is to completely stretch the limb that formed the 90º angle in order to raise it, repeating 4 series of 10 repetitions.

The third way to exercise the hip in this position is the deep leg lift, proceeding as before with the exception of raising the body and placing the arm on which the head was resting at a right angle. Starting from the position, it will be necessary to lean on the forearm and carry out the training.

hip lift

Changing position, it's time to lie on your back with your legs supported to proceed to what is called "shoulder bridge" raising the hip as much as possible by applying force with the buttocks.

After the 3 recommended series of 12 repetitions, it is convenient to add a little difficulty by executing the activity with one leg stretched out. The idea is to raise the hip as if the two legs were supported, thus demanding greater strength and alternating between one limb and the other.

Hip exercise on four supports

The last exercise to strengthen the hip is performed by standing on four supports, a position commonly called "doggy style"; if you prefer something deeper, you have to choose to support the forearms or stretch the arms.

Without changing your position, one leg will be raised laterally, that is, keeping the right angle at all times. Repeat with the other leg.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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