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What is a webinar?

Irene de Espinoza
5 min de lectura

Learn how to organize a live online seminar.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Hassle-free remote meetings

It is a modern adaptation of the usual learning seminars. A Webinar is a live online conference, participants can interact through chat.

For many it is the new mode of learning, but the truth is that it is not something new. However, it has had weight today due to the social changes that we have been facing. Seminars or conferences that can be held through an online platform. Many have access to the chat, and it becomes an exchange of ideas or opinions.

How is a webinar organized?

It all depends on the functions that the Webinar will have, currently we are not only talking about distance education. We also find very interesting Webinars that are very helpful for everyone.

Teams of entrepreneurs, training for educators, consulting for clients, training for companies, children's or youth activities, online training for remote work, in short, there are many Webinars that are currently being carried out making the most of the different internet platforms.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Computer, internet connection and the best content

To organize a Webinar you only have to have a planning, in general terms to master the subject you would be raising, since doubts may arise and the main objective is to learn and interact.

What do I need to do a Webinar?

On the other hand, resources are very important, for example it is essential to have a good webcam. A Full HD, wide-angle lens camera with crisp sound pickup and noise cancellation would be ideal.

By choosing the platform we want to use, we specifically validate the organization and determine the correct use of it. The interaction at the moment or after the video, generating slides, whiteboards or elements to support the content and finally having the access code for the invitation.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Innovative equipment for the best transmissions

Can I attract clients with a Webinar?

Of course, nowadays, Webinars are widely used for the presentation of services or products. The difference from a Webinar to a tutorial is that at the time of the live broadcast you will be able to generate responses to the different concerns of the clients. This will give you a vote of confidence in them.

On the other hand, it is a way of using digital tools 100% in our favor. There is much you can achieve if you want to take your brand to another level. There are no limits that hinder your positioning if you have good planning and a willingness to modernize in digital advances.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Effective organization to get clients

Webinar as a marketing strategy

A marvel, the perfect option to get closer to your client even from a distance. Projecting the best of your brand and solving doubts. Take into account the following guidelines to conduct a Webinar as a marketing strategy.

1. Plan the content that you will take in the Webinar.

2. It proposes an approach towards the public that will be directed.

3. Never stone the customer's attention, you can talk about experiences, show some models or in the case do some practice if it deserves it.

4. Take the content from the macro to the micro and emphasize solutions for your client's needs.

5. Keep in mind that most Webinars last only one hour, you should not exceed it so as not to load the client. In addition, it manages time well in periods dedicated to content presented in different ways.

6. You can end by inviting viewers to other Webinars or to purchase what you present.

Potential Benefits of a Webinar in Marketing

In the first place, direct interaction with the client will always give points in favor. It is a strategy that builds trust. More concrete relationships with potential customers are presented.

Webinars allow us to meet the needs of potential clients and propose solutions adapted to what we offer.

Take advantage of all the content, all the information you can specify is important and will be very useful to prepare future Webinars or establish new content.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums

Benefits of Webinars for online learning systems

Again the interaction of the moderator or teacher with the trainees is the key to the Webinars. In addition to them, the option of obtaining backup material, establishing remote communication and of course the possibility of saving the recording.

This modality has been present in the last two years due to the pandemic factor. However, it has been very helpful for other training areas that require remote connections with interactive systems.

Webinars may need to be more and more creative, since the same distance can be a higher risk factor for distraction. This is the center of the content that keeps the client or student content for the necessary time during the Webinar.

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Learning adopted a new model

Best platforms to conduct a Webinar

The number one of all and potential space to carry out the best Webinars is YouTube, it is the most practical, simple and intuitive to use, and it will only be enough for you to completely plan the content, and specify the date to make the invitation to the respective Webinar.

On the other hand, we can also work through the Zoom platform, one of the most important for virtual meetings, very easy to use and with the capacity to invite different numbers of attendees (from 100 to 10,000).

What is a webinar? – Business – WebMediums
Powerful webinars

On the other hand, we have EasyWebinars, another highly sought-after platform for conducting webinars. This is a slightly more formalized platform with online conference tools for small or large companies.

WebinarJam is one of the most complete web systems for live broadcasts. Also, potential Webinar with the assertive combination of Facebook live and YouTube live. The process can be completely private and managed as you have it.

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¿Qué es un Webinar?
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Irene de Espinoza

Miembro desde más de 3 años

Soy productora audiovisual, amante de la fotografía y creadora de contenidos. Me especializo en criptomonedas, negocios y marketing digital.

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