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Square Enix plans to enter the world of NFTs

4 min de lectura

The NFT market seems unstoppable and more and more people and companies are looking to enter the market. We recently talked about Ubisoft's foray into this market, and today we have the surprise that another famous video game developer such as Square Enix also plans to do it.

Square Enix plans to enter the world of NFTs – Games – WebMediums
Square Enix will bring the world of NFTs to your video games.

This company, better known for having developed games like Final Fantasy, is planning to start issuing some of the brand's NFT assets. Matsuda, the president of the company had referred to the importance of NFTs in the world of video games.

In his words, this can be an effective method to award rewards to players and thus provide "motivation". And it is that for him, not only will it be possible for the player to have fun, but he will also be able to win money.

Artificial intelligence, cloud computing and non-fungible tokens

Square Enix plans to enter the world of NFTs – Games – WebMediums
Square Enix focuses on NFTs in the medium term.

Square Enix has a goal set for the medium term and that is that it would be betting on advances in artificial intelligence, cloud computing and the world of NFTs.

This means that very soon we could be seeing some of the first tokens of the company.

According to the company, today there is basic technology for the development of games of the "play to earn" type.

In this way, people can start earning income by playing some games in the franchise. Square Enix is even likely to eventually develop entirely new NFT-related games.

The fans haven't taken it too well

Square Enix plans to enter the world of NFTs – Games – WebMediums
Final Fantasy 14 players are against the NFTs.

After the announcement made by Matsuda, the networks began to burn and the angry players united to demonstrate their rejection of this decision.

This happened especially in the players of Final Fantasy 14, the MMO of the company who stated that adding NFT to the games would end up damaging it.

This game has been the most profitable for the company and in the last two years it has had an impressive growth. Unfortunately, many of them threatened the company to stop playing in the event that they added NFT to the game.

There were few who really supported this decision of the company, however, there is something to keep in mind and that is that although the company has expressed its interest in NFTs, the truth is that at no time have they said that they would do it with games current.

This is a future decision and although it is not ruled out that the company seeks to introduce them to Final Fantasy 14, we will have to wait to really know the company's plans.

A difficult transition

One of the main focuses that Matsuda has had in the statement is on the transition. He has argued that the future of games will no longer be just "play for fun", but will also be able to "play to contribute."

It is understood that people resist changes, many do not like to experience new things.

In any case, the company plans to keep moving forward, as over time players will come to accept that NFTs are not as bad an idea as you think.

Why are big developers betting on the blockchain and NFTs?

Square Enix plans to enter the world of NFTs – Games – WebMediums
EA, Konami, Ubisoft, and now Square Enix are betting on NFT game development.

The answer to this is something much simpler than you can imagine and that is that the world of NFTs moves billions of dollars a year. For example, games like Axie Infinity have made around $3.9 billion since they started.

But this is not the only NFT game that has been successful, there are many others. The point is, NFTs are trending and quite a profitable business, so it's normal for many companies to look for a slice of the pie.

Little by little there will be a greater number of developers that begin to venture into this world. And this 2022 is going to be a perfect year for this to happen, so, people will end up getting used to the change and will accept NFTs in video games.
