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Plants vs. Undead unsuccessfully seek to revive the PVU
The NFT game that became a total "Boom!" Mid-year is now a programming laughingstock

The rejection that this non-fungible token game has had in recent months is astounding.
This coming in reaction to changes generated by the creators of this virtual activity that rewarded in a good way monetarily.
In which there were alterations that did not benefit the players at all. If you want to know more do not forget to stop by our previous article: The new Plants token _ vs. Undead.
And with its new updates and a new game mode, apart from the player versus player launched a few weeks ago, the belief that it was his last card up his sleeve has faded, but it is not for this reason that he is resurfacing from the hole where he fell. Loudly.
Don't miss out on the latest in this game that has disappointed millions of players around the world.

The most recent of the programmers' letters
The Gathering game mode, or gatherer, is a diverse way of playing in Plants vs. Undead, on November 21 with an announcement a few days ago, the website and the app were closed to renew the video game with this update.
In addition to updating the game in its entirety to a more updated version, since that was what the developers promised a long time ago. Get to what they have called "Farm 3.0".
The update to a new version was what was expected, but not the addition of a new modality. This caught us all off guard.
And the wait that the loyal fans of this game have passed is not yet rewarded as it should be, so this is not why it has not penetrated what is the market capitalization, since the numbers speak for themselves.
By not offering benefits to its players, the game will remain stagnant, since the only ones who are making money with these renovations are the creators of this video game Play to Earn.

Gathering: an unexpected modality
In this phase, players can save materials to later have them as future aids, both for their battles and for harvesting plants.
This collection method is part of what the company has called its 2.6 update. Hoping to keep moving forward to version 3.0.
In addition, during this time the action of being able to collect the rewards of the players has remained static. This has created even more headaches for the community.
That they also have the future of the game in their hands. If they really surrender the game will fall in its entirety. And it is not something that the creators of this activity seem to be taking into account.

FPVU muttered like dead ground
At the beginning the game only had the adorable token called PVU, named after the initials of the game, which made it so relevant to the point of placing it in the most famous statistics in the world.
It reached its all-time high of USD $24 in September. Which proved that it dropped 98.4% from its star price. Is this enough to say that the token is dead?
Many claim that whatever the programmers of that video game do, they will walk down the same lanes of disappointment and bad fruit.
The PVU as of today is priced at USD $0.25, although a few hours ago it had risen to a figure of USD $0.29.
In this way resulting in the burial of what is also the FPUV, the currency with which the PvP (player versus player) mode is maintained.
Although in this same month an improvement had been seen, thanks to this more fun way of playing, causing its price to reach more than USD $0.70, this fell into free fall again.
The few loyal players are already fed up with the situation, as it leaves them with an uncertainty that they have completely lost their investment in the game that had paid them so much profit only about three months ago.

Plants vs. Plants vs. Undead
Something very important that must be taken into account is the problems that this video game and its processors have had, which they did not tolerate at the beginning of its fame, keeping so many users in the game.
Back then the programmers gave one of the most annoying rules fans have ever gone through, taking turns playing, with a waiting area of up to 4 hours to enter the farm.
Since then, internal maintenance work and rule changes have been common over and over again.
And launching the latest updates to the game appears to be a fighting roar from the creators to get the PVU back to its previous high, or at least $1 worth.
Its value, which two weeks ago had reached its minimum price of USD $0.39. With the update of November 21, it decreased to the previously mentioned price of USD $0.25. Really so far what they have done with their game has not served.

Percentages that could possibly save the PVU
In the month of October, a monthly analysis of search records for web pages was carried out in the country with the highest inflation in Latin America, and it was discovered that one of the top five positions was occupied by the video game Plants vs. Undead.
Occupying the fourth place in the ranking, reviewed only by Google, Facebook and YouTube.
This means that although the PVU is at its worst and there are a lot of problems that most players have had enough, there are many people who continue to bet on this NFT video game.
When there is someone who wants to buy the PVU, it will continue to live as a token. Even if he looks moribund, the chances that he will go up are there.
We just hope that the developers do not only see the game as a benefit only for them, and that the rewards increase for the entire investor or player community. It is the only way for you to revive this cute token.