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Benefits of beet juice

Lenin Boscaney
4 min de lectura
Benefits of beet juice – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Beetroot juice is also used to lose weight.

Beetroot is a vegetable rich in vitamins and its high iron content positions it as one of the vegetables that provides the most nutrients to our body, so today we will talk about beetroot juice and its benefits.

Beetroot is also known for the Russian salad recipe in which this vegetable is mixed with potatoes, a divine combination.

This helps fight heart problems ; thanks to its high nitrate content. In addition, it is an excellent source of antioxidants and is an ideal vegetable for people with diabetes. So let's see what its benefits are:

Helps to have a good digestion

Benefits of beet juice – Gastronomy – WebMediums
beet juice benefits

One of the benefits of beet juice is that, due to its high content of antioxidants and fiber, it helps the intestinal flora function and facilitates the digestion process.

In the same order of ideas, beets help counteract constipation, relieve inflammation and facilitate the absorption of nutrients. Another beneficial aspect of beetroot is that it contains fats, proteins and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K.

As if this were not enough, it also provides calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. All these vitamins and minerals, without a doubt, help the proper functioning of the body, as well as in all body processes, including digestion.

control blood pressure

Beet juice also helps in the treatment to balance or control blood pressure. All this is due to the natural nitrates that it has and that are converted into nitric oxide.

This oxide helps to facilitate the circulation of blood throughout the body, since it relaxes the blood vessels and the process is carried out without problems. It is highly recommended for patients suffering from imbalance in their blood pressure.

Provides energy

Beetroot is a natural energizer and beetroot juice is considered a sports drink that increases performance in athletes by up to 16%.

Due to its high content of sugars, vitamins and minerals described above, it does not need to be mixed with chemicals to achieve its effects. As if all this were not enough, it also helps to facilitate breathing and improve lung activity.

Avoid inflammatory processes

Beetroot is also anti-inflammatory and for this reason it is extremely important to include it to avoid inflammatory processes that in the future cause chronic diseases in the organs.

It should be noted that beets also protect cells, enzymes, hormones and other substances in the body that may be affected and trigger the aforementioned diseases.

Neutralizes fluid retention

Another benefit of beet juice is to prevent the tissues from retaining liquid and all this is due to its diuretic action. This juice is indicated for patients with kidney problems and infections, gout, hyperuricemia, arthritis and oliguria.

Because beets are high in potassium but low in sodium, they help optimize kidney function.

Helps detoxify the body

As explained above, beets have dietary fiber that, in addition to helping good digestion, also works as a natural detoxifier.

In the same way, beet juice is also used in treatments for patients suffering from fatty liver and among the abnormal fats that accumulate, are triglycerides and in this case it helps to cleanse and balance the levels.

fight anemia

Anemia is a real problem for our body that is caused by a decrease in iron levels.

Among the benefits of beet juice is counteracting this evil and together with folic acid, raising iron levels, as well as increasing or causing the production of red blood cells.

Stops the action of free radicals

Beet juice, among its many actions, neutralizes free radicals in the body.

These are unstable molecules that are produced in the normal metabolism of cells, they are harmful to the body, since they can damage other molecules, such as DNA, lipids and proteins.

Its action of neutralizing free radicals is due to the fact that it has a high content of polyphenols and betalains, in addition, it is also used to prevent diseases such as cancer and premature aging.

These are the benefits of beet juice and it should be noted that there are many more. From any angle you look at it, it is good for our body. We already mentioned that it has a high content of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, in addition to having a low percentage of calories.

For all of the above, it is also added that it is very good for losing weight, so go ahead and prepare your beet juice and enjoy its benefits for your body.
