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Benefits of Cilantro that you did not know

Irene de Espinoza
3 min de lectura
Benefits of Cilantro that you did not know – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Benefits of coriander.

It is not only about the exquisite flavor that cilantro gives to meals, but also the benefits of cilantro that go directly to the body. Here we show you how this species can help you improve your health.

Cilantro, for starters, is one of your stomach's best friends. We have a great ally when we suffer from constipation or flatulence. But that is not its only success, in this article I show you everything it can do to your body.

What is coriander?

Before we start with the benefits, this aromatic herb has a story to tell you. Since it is known, its uses have ranged from use in common foods to rituals or pain relief.

In Egypt, coriander branches were used to place them on the tombs of their loved ones. In another case, the Romans preferred them to relieve continuous headaches, the truth is that today their greatest use lies as a condiment in many kitchen recipes.

Benefits of Cilantro that you did not know – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Coriander and its benefits for more than 3,000 years.

There are two types of coriander, although these are already spread throughout the world, the originals are defined as Moroccan and Indian. They are different in taste and color.

What else should you know?

It is one of the oldest aromatic herbs in history, dating back some 3,500 years to its cultivation in Egypt. For the most part, the most abundant harvests were from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Its history may be more amazing according to some beliefs and of course the use is natural medicine strategies.

Health benefits of coriander

Now, it is now proven that coriander is an excellent remedy for constipation. Those people who have digestive problems can use it to relieve this discomfort.

To ingest it, you can add it continuously to your meals, or perhaps leave it in a glass of water for a day in the fridge and drink it at night.

Benefits of Cilantro that you did not know – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Coriander water, benefits for the stomach.

Quite apart from all this, we find one of the aromatic herbs used as an anti-inflammatory. Coriander has antiseptic properties, in this case a branch of coriander can be placed soaked on the affected muscle.

Finally, we are talking about a magnificent ingredient in our favorite dishes, because in addition to giving a good taste or flavour, it keeps us healthy due to its significant amount of vitamin C and K, folic acid, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Fun facts about coriander

Did you know that coriander can help you sleep better? Among all the benefits it has to offer us is the possibility of resting on a busy day.

You only need a glass of water with coriander, you can even boil it like a tea, before going to bed have a cup and you will see how your body rests the rest of the night.
