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Cucumber Juice: Benefits, recipe and method of preparation

Incorporate it into your diet and enjoy its benefits

4 min de lectura
Cucumber Juice: Benefits, recipe and method of preparation – Gastronomy
Cucumber juice properties

We all know that cucumber is one of the most recommended vegetables when you want to start practicing a healthy lifestyle.

And is that cucumber juice is not only refreshing, but also works as a true antioxidant.

In this guide I will show you all the benefits of cucumber, a powerful vegetable, low in calories and very rich in natural fibers. Stop looking in others, what the cucumber can bring you.

Cucumber juice benefits: Discover them here

Beyond being moisturizing and being the fruit by nature that we use before going out to practice. This juice is a wonderful alternative for those who want to take care of their body.

It is a source of vitamin A

Cucumber juice stands out for being a true source of vitamin A. The liquid obtained from this vegetable contains a rich supply of this vitamin. That is why its antioxidant function can help you improve the health of your eyesight, improve bone growth and maintain the health of the respiratory system.

It has a contribution of dietary fiber

Another of the contributions that cucumber juice generates is that it has a high contribution of dietary fiber. In other words, this type of fiber is ideal for maintaining a healthy weight, and also for improving digestion.

If you have a good consumption of cucumber juice, you will be able to eliminate problems such as constipation, and any other digestive complications,

Likewise, this, like other vegetables, is also considered one of the best that allows the protection of the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Cucumber play brings energy

That is why many physical preparations recommend it before training. As it is a source of B vitamins, this makes it an energy drink. Likewise, its great source of water makes it one of the most hydrating juices.

The ideal is to put aside processed energy drinks and make use of natural drinks such as cucumber.

Provides vitamin K

Vitamin K is housed in cucumber, and this is what can provide strengthening to the bone system.

To give you an example, a cup of cucumber juice provides 19% of vitamin K, which is required by women. For men, a cup of cucumber juice provides the 14% required by men.

The best cucumber juice recipes

Cucumber Juice: Benefits, recipe and method of preparation – Gastronomy
Cucumber juice with pineapple.

Cucumber juice with lemon

Cucumber and lemon juice is one of the natural drinks with the best slimming properties.

For this drink you will need:

  • ½ Cucumber.

  • 1 whole lemon.

  • A glass of mineral water.

For the preparation of this juice, you must peel the cucumber into pieces and clean. You put it in the blender, and add the lemon juice. Beat it well until there are no lumps and you can serve it completely.

Cucumber juice with pineapple

Cucumber juice with pineapple is another alternative for those who want to lose weight. This diuretic and purifying drink is perfect for burning fat.

For this you will need:

  • ½ cup pineapple cut into cubes.

  • A cup of diced cucumber.

  • Half stem of aloe vera with aloe vera.

  • A glass of water.

For the preparation, you will need to place several pieces of pineapple, cucumber, and aloe vera gel in the blender. You must add all the ingredients previously cleaned, and cut into pieces. You must process until it is without lumps and you can serve it.

Cucumber juice with carrot

One of the most sought after recipes is also cucumber juice with carrots. This recipe is easy to prepare, plus it is very nutritious.

For this recipe we will need:

  • 1 Cucumber.

  • 2 carrots.

  • Lemon juice.

  • A glass of water.

With all these ingredients previously cleaned and cut in a blender, we must beat them until they reach a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Take into account that you must first soften the carrots in hot water, so that they can be complemented very well in the blender.
