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Garlic: Properties, uses and recommendations for use
A great food that is often used as a remedy and that also gives food a great flavor is garlic. It is usually included to season meats or in salads, even in sautéed vegetables.
On the other hand, you have probably heard about the benefits of eating whole garlic for the heart, but they do not tell you the details of how to ingest it. And much less tell you an incredible way to grow it and have your garden with fresh garlic to consume daily.

So in this article I want to give you the details of how it should be consumed so as not to cause the opposite effect as well as general information necessary so that you know what type of food you are consuming.
How should it be cultivated?
This plant is so noble that you can easily include it in your garden, you only need to plant the garlic cloves in a pot with fertilized soil, opening holes 3 centimeters deep.
Remember to cover them well but without generating pressure. If you plant more than one, try to give a separation of at least 10 centimeters.
When you finish covering them add a spray of water. They usually germinate in a period of 2 weeks. Maintenance should be one day in between.
To be able to enjoy garlic, you must wait 5 months in which the plant has a yellow color in at least three parts of its body.
At this point, you should stop watering and wait for it to dry. When harvesting, you must remove the entire plant.

Benefits and Properties of garlic
Among the many benefits that garlic brings to body health can be mentioned:
Facilitates the digestive process
Like many foods, it allows the correct absorption of nutrients, due to the ideal production of gastric juices. What favors the correct functioning of the liver and pancreas.
Promotes circulation
Thanks to the vitamin B that it provides, the blood vessels are strengthened and prevent coronary problems.
It also acts as a vessel dilator by increasing the diameter of the vessels, so that blood can flow better and blood pressure drops.
On the other hand, it manages to reduce bad cholesterol to 9%, according to studies.
Contributes to liver function
Garlic allows the detoxification of the organs allowing the release of parasites and toxins, even metals such as mercury accumulated by taking medications that the body has not been able to eliminate.
Also, it contains large amounts of vitamins A, B and C that contribute to liver activities, being of great help when the diagnosis indicates that you have fatty liver.
Also, it can be used as a natural antibiotic and as a decongestant.

How should it be consumed?
Eating raw garlic has been found to be of great benefit. In fact, it is recommended to eat 2 garlic cloves a day.
Do not forget to peel and mash them prior to their intake, this will allow their components to be released in a better way. Ingesting it mashed as a pill is a good way to enjoy its benefits in a short time.
What contraindications can the consumption of garlic cause?
At the time of consumption we have mentioned that it must be chopped or crushed, since it is a bit difficult to digest.
Another care that you should take when consuming it is not to make its ingestion something frequent if you suffer from heartburn or reflux to avoid causing irritation in the mucous membranes.
Each body is different, and you may see effects faster than other members of the family or even different effects, so keeping track and observing the changes is vital to assess the reaction of each person.
Now when you include garlic In your meals you will know all the benefits it brings and the difference that consuming garlic daily can make. Remember that when cooking food loses certain properties, but it is a good way to consume it as well.