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How to make a black mayonnaise?

Sara Manaure
3 min de lectura

Did you know that they excite different types or versions of mayonnaise? Well, if you didn't know, I want to introduce you to black mayonnaise. In the following article, we will teach you how to make black mayonnaise in just a few steps.

How to make a black mayonnaise? – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Mayonnaise-based sauce.

The Mayo

This is one of the most consumed sauces in the world. They generally have a smooth texture and are made from butter and eggs. For many, this sauce can accompany all kinds of preparations.

Due to its great application, these new versions have been created that are better adapted to each meal. Mayonnaise originated in Moscow in the 1936 years during the Stanlin period. He and his political leaders were the first to try them.

From that moment, it became popular throughout the region and then in different countries until 1782, when the first version was created, in which lemon, salt and sugar were incorporated, giving rise to the mayonnaise that we know today.

Learn then, what you need to know to prepare this delicious sauce that will match almost any preparation you have in mind.

How to make a black mayonnaise? – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Mayonnaise served.


  • 2 flavors of soothing ink.

  • 300 milliliters of olive oil.

  • 1 clove garlic.

  • 2 eggs.

  • Vinegar or lemon juice.

  • Salt.

Preparation of black mayonnaise

  1. Beat the eggs, lemon juice, salt and olive oil.

  2. To know that you have reached the right consistency, make up and down movements.

  3. When the point is reached, add the garlic and the ink. It integrates everything very well.

  4. Finally, add the oil in the form of thread. Keep beating at all times.

  5. And now you have it, a rich black mayonnaise to season your preparations.

How to make a black mayonnaise? – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Homemade Mayonnaise.

It is usually used as a side dish, however, it can be used to cook some pieces and give it a great flavor.

Before concluding the preparation, verify that the seasoning is right. If you have overdone the salt a bit, no problem. Reduce the amount of salt in the other ingredients to balance out the flavor.

Do not hesitate to use it, but be aware of how often you do it, as it has a high fat content and can affect your body considerably depending on your condition.

For everything else, a taste from time to time does not hurt. Dare to enjoy this black sauce, in one of your preparations so that you change the flavor from time to time.
