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How to remove stains from fabric with kitchen ingredients?

Sara Manaure
4 min de lectura
How to remove stains from fabric with kitchen ingredients? – Gastronomy
Stains on the fabric.

It is normal that at some point our best clothing has been stained with wine or blood. We usually go into crisis, when the fabric is one of the most delicate or has feathers, since these stains do not come out so easily.

For this reason, I will teach you how to remove stains from fabric with kitchen ingredients, so that all your clothes stay colorful and up to date.

You don't need much, just 5 ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. With these ingredients, you will be able to revive garments that you consider lost, so stay with us so that you know what the ingredients are and the effective form of application that you should give them.

How to remove stains from fabric with kitchen ingredients? – Gastronomy

Milk to remove stains from delicate garments

One of the four ingredients, which I present to you as a stain remover, is milk. In case you didn't know, milk is capable of loosening stains with just a few hours of soaking.

If you have clothes made of very soft fabrics or that include feathers, take a container, pour the milk and soak the affected area. Preferably, let it act overnight.

Salt to remove wine stains

If the stain is from wine, it is best to use salt. Yes, come out. Take plenty of salt and put a good layer on the stain. Wait about 6 hours, approximately. At the end of the time, remove the salt and wash as usual with the soap of your choice.

apple cider vinegar for blood stains

This precise ingredient is great to finish with the blood stains on the fabric. It makes it ideal, to remove stains from those aprons that usually suffer the effects of cleaning meat.

Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the affected area, let it react for about 15 or 20 minutes and wash it as usual.

How to remove stains from fabric with kitchen ingredients? – Gastronomy

lemon and bicarbonate

This combination is capable of removing the most difficult stains, especially those caused by sweat or body fat. Some of the most difficult stains to remove are from the collar of shirts or those found in the armpit.

If you have sporty children, you will love this combination, since even the shoes can be free of odors. You just have to combine these ingredients, apply them on the affected area, wait 20 minutes and that's it! The stain will be gone.

General remarks

  • The idea is not to spend a lot of ingredients, placing a portion on the area to be treated is more than enough.

  • If you have a fabric that absorbs a lot of liquid, wet the fabric with water that is very wet and only the main part of the stain, it is the one that you will place to soak in the milk. In this way, you will avoid spending a lot of milk.

  • If they are stains that take time, there may be parts that don't come off so easily. With 2 or 3 applications and good washes, you will be able to recover your garments completely.

  • You can apply them to dresses, shirts, pants and, in general, to all kinds of fabric.

  • When you apply any of these ingredients, it is recommended that you do it with an old toothbrush, since its bristles are softer and do not damage clothes.

Go ahead and recover your favorite clothes, with these ingredients that are quite effective in the care of clothes.

I hope you have learned how to remove the stain from the fabric with kitchen ingredients, with these recommendations. If you have made a different and very useful application, please let us know.
