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Steamed pumpkins in a few steps

Sara Manaure
3 min de lectura
Steamed pumpkins in a few steps – Gastronomy – WebMediums
The main ingredient of the dish.

Pumpkins are one of the most applied foods in Mexican food. It can be eaten, steamed, stuffed, as part of a dish, baked, among others. Depending on where you are, you can get small pumpkins of different shapes.

It can be said that the small Creole pumpkin has a shape similar to a sphere and its color is green, while the small Italian pumpkin has a green color, but is longer than the Creole.

The Larousse of the kitchen indicates that small Creole pumpkins are often used to be stuffed, thanks to their shape.

If you don't get them, the Italian ones are also a great option. Its application ranges from beef stews and broths, or chicken, to creams and sauces. Mexicans usually eat them with pork and cheese.

Learn, in the following article, a method to prepare some delicious small pumpkins, which you will like a lot, which you can well include in main dishes as accompaniments or make them main dishes.


  • Panela.

  • 1 kilo of small pumpkins.

  • 1 onion.

  • 1 can of corn.

  • 1 small tablespoon of butter.

  • 500 grams of spinach.

  • 1 branch of epazote.

  • 250 grams of cheese.

Steamed pumpkins in a few steps – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Gratin cheese.


  1. Cut the pumpkins in half, but lengthwise.

  2. With the help of a spoon, remove the filling and place it in a separate container, since it will form apart from the filling.

  3. Now, prepare a pot, where you will cook the corn. Also add the cheese, onion, butter, spinach and epazote. Add salt and seasonings to taste.

  4. Let cook for 15 minutes. At the end of the time remove and place in a separate container.

  5. Fill the canoes of small pumpkins that you have, with the stew that you have just prepared.

  6. Put them in a steamer for at least 5 minutes to prevent the pumpkin from getting too watery.

  7. After the time, you can serve and enjoy.

Steamed pumpkins in a few steps – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Accompany the pumpkin gratin with the one you like the most.

You should consider steaming the baby squash for up to 10 minutes, depending on the flavor you like. However, more than this time can make them very soft and lose their shape, so be careful with the time.

There are those who add a little salt to each part to make a very tasty whole. If this is your case, you must verify that your salt is not very thick or if it is, pulverized before applying it. Since, at first, you will not feel it, but over time you will and thus it becomes more difficult to control.

Apply your favorite or known methods for the preparation of these small steamed pumpkins that will complement and balance the diet that you have been following up to now, due to the amount of nutrients that it provides.
