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What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

Lenin Boscaney
4 min de lectura
What are the benefits of dark chocolate? – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Among so many benefits, it helps prevent strokes.

Many people like chocolate, but if you are wondering which is the best of all, today we will explain the benefits of dark chocolate, which is the one with the highest percentage of cocoa (70% or more) and that is why it is considered the better nutritionally.

One or two ounces a day or 7 to 20 grams is what nutritionists recommend to get the most out of this food. Whether you eat a little at snack or after a meal, you can also add a spoonful to a glass of milk, which is very healthy and tasty. These are the benefits of dark chocolate :

Helps to have a healthy heart

It should be noted that dark chocolate is a true source of antioxidants, which are substances that prevent damage to cells or, failing that, delay them.

These are found in various vegetables and fruits, but also in other foods, as in this case in dark chocolate.

Therefore, among the benefits of dark chocolate is promoting good blood flow, which in turn improves cardiovascular health, all through the aforementioned antioxidants.

It is a real source of energy

Many people think that all chocolates are high in calories, but dark chocolate has fewer calories and sugars than the others. As if that were not enough, the calories in dark chocolate take longer to digest and in this way the metabolism is activated.

That is why dark chocolate helps us take advantage of all that energy to carry out our activities. However, it is important not to abuse its consumption and it is also advisable to accompany it with physical exercise.

Prevents skin aging

The high level of antioxidants that dark chocolate has also helps the well-being of the skin. Another benefit of dark chocolate is that it helps soften the skin and makes it more resistant, even to UVA rays.

It should be noted that UVA rays are part of the radiation that comes from the sun. They are also present in sun lamps and tanning beds, so it is important to strengthen the skin by moderately consuming dark chocolate, since UVA rays not only cause aging but even skin cancer.

It has a high fiber content

It is already known that dietary fiber helps prevent digestive problems, including constipation. In the same way, it prevents diseases such as diabetes, obesity and colon cancer.

Therefore, the high level of fiber in dark chocolate regulates intestinal transit, as well as produces satiety, which in turn helps to avoid eating too much between meals or abusing snacks.

Produces well-being (happiness)

Another benefit of dark chocolate is that it contains tryptophan, which is the amino acid that produces serotonin (the hormone of happiness). It also has phenylethylamine, which is a compound produced by the brain when we fall in love.

As if this were not enough, dark chocolate also helps release endorphins and these produce a feeling of calm and relaxation. So, wherever you look at it, eating this food in moderation gives us well-being in many areas.

Contributes to a healthy brain

In the same way, as with the heart, it helps to have a good flow of blood to the brain and that, in turn, can result in developing good cognitive function. On the other hand, because it contains theobromine, which is a natural stimulant with powerful therapeutic effects, its moderate consumption can prevent strokes.

It also has caffeine, although to a lesser extent than coffee. Caffeine is also a stimulant and in an ounce of dark chocolate we can find 27 mg of caffeine. Similarly, it should be noted that its consumption also produces a feeling of well-being, since it has phenylethylamine, which releases endorphins in the brain.

Other benefits

In addition to the benefits of dark chocolate mentioned above, it should be noted that:

  • Dark chocolate helps prevent blood pressure. It has already been explained that it helps in the flow of blood and one of the reasons is that it has nitric oxide and this helps in the relaxation of the arteries.

  • Helps stimulate the central nervous system. In previous points it was explained that dark chocolate contains theobromine, which is a natural stimulant with many therapeutic effects.

  • Helps care for teeth. Unlike many other chocolates and candies, dark chocolate can help prevent cavities. Also, theobromine helps harden tooth enamel.

These are the benefits of dark chocolate and there are still many that we could not mention. So now you know how good it is for your body, but don't forget to eat it in moderation and accompany it with physical exercise for balance and a healthy body inside and out.
